dr spencer reid

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"Get off of me!" You yelled through the tape that was covering your mouth. The man in front of you, simply laughed at your plea. "Not happening sweetheart." You squeeze your eyes shut when he moves his body closer to you. His breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

Each moment he got closer, the more scared you felt. He was tall, and strong. Easily able to snap your neck in half if he wanted to. It made you feel nauseous each time he touched you skin. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

He drunkenly drawls and kisses your neck. It makes you feel dirty, all you want to do is run away. Please god, let someone help me. Please I need to get out of here. I'm so scared. Please. You start to shake when he touches your thigh.

Feeling helpless when he grips your body tightly against his. His fingers pinch you, making you open your eyes. When you look to the ceiling, you notice a green dot. It's small and there's a red wire sticking out of it.

Suddenly, you see the front door open abruptly and in a blur, the man who was assaulting you is pushed off of you. You widen your eyes at the sudden movement, but sigh in relief when you notice the person is wearing a FBI vest.

Seconds later four more agents rush in. The one who pushed the man off of you, rushes towards you. He is tall, and his hair goes a little pats his ears. "y/n I'm gonna get you out of here." You feel your eyes water at his words, relieved that you're actually getting to leave.

He removes the tape from your mouth, and unties you from the chair. y/n steps out of the chair, only to fall when she feels her legs go weak. You were trapped here for weeks, with no food or water. Spencer quickly lifts you off the ground, and carries you in his arms.

You wince against his touch, feeling your bruised back rub against his hand. Spencer instantly stops and looks at you. "Is it your back? Did he hurt you there as well?" y/n simply nods at him and leans her head back.

Spencer doesn't say anything, and continues to walk out the door. "I'm gonna bandage you up, and clean up some of your wounds." You feel a tear leave your eye, and quickly nod your head at him. He places you onto the car seat, and quickly cleans up your scratches and bruises.

As he places the cloth onto your cuts, you take in his appearance. His eyes were brown, but they looked to be more hazel. He had a sharp jawline, and light pink lips. You quickly look away from him, not wanting him to look up and catch you staring at him.

Spencer grabs some hydrogen peroxide and pours some onto your scratch. It makes you wince and curse at the pain. He places a bandage and quickly rubs his hands over it. y/n takes in a deep breath and leans her head against the seat. Spencer smiles at y/n and grabs a blanket. "Here, your skin is cold. We don't want you to catch a cold. You're already badly injured.

You smile at him, and grab the blanket from him. He nods his head, and hops out of the car. You look out the window to see him talking to someone. It looks like it's another FBI agent, she has dark brown hair and bangs. You close your eyes and hug the blanket closer to your body. Feeling safe.

I hate this one lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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