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Techno sat on a throne.

The sun rises on tons of corpses. Swords and blood litters the battlefield.

He closed his eyes and leaned back into the throne. Two guards approached Techno, dragging a 16 year old boy.

Wait. Was that Tommy?

"We caught this one spying. What do we do with them?"

Techno studied the boy.

"Leave me with him."

The guards nodded and left the arena.

Techno crossed his legs. He had mostly gotten universes like this, where he was the king.

He knew how to act. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tommy (Innit), and I'm the best spy to ever exist!"

"You got captured, so I'd beg to differ..."

Techno sighed.

He stared at the boy infront of him. It was rare to run into the same person in a different universe.

Techno stood up, and picked up a sword resting against his throne.

Killing him would be the easy way out,

But he wouldn't.

Techno circled Tommy, studying him.

He's definitally the same person.

"I'm not going to kill a child."

"I am not a child! I am a grown man!" He shouted.

He was... Noisy.

Is there at least one reality where this kid isn't loud and annoying?

Techno circled around back to his throne and sat down. He pointed the sword at Tommy.

"Tell me one good reason not to kill you, then."

"I have information!"

Did he really want to start another war in this reality?

He didn't even know how this all started.

Not once has he lived in a normal life. He switches realities every day.

At 12:00 AM.

He's been switching realities since day one.

Techno stared at Tommy.

"You get to live." Tommy's eyes lit up.

"But, you're going to be monitered at all times."

"Awhh.. Can't you trust me?"

"I can't trust a spy, nerd."

He called to the guards and explained what was going to happen.

Now he had to get through the day without dying.

The day went on safely.

He didn't run into Tommy again, surprisingly.

When the clock hit midnight, pain erupted in his chest as soon as he switched.

Where do I go now? - dadnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now