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So I got this crazy idea while chatting about reincarnation with a friend.
It doesn't follow the thread of the episodes at all. I might take a few elements here and there, but that's it. The characters will be similar in their essence but won't have the same job, although it will be bit related.
Hope you enjoy it :D.

Old abandoned church - Somewhere on Main Street - Los Angeles - Late at night

Lucifer rushes into the church, panicked, frantically looking around the ruin. After what seems an eternity, he finally sees his brother and runs towards him.

"Uriel, Brother, I beg you. Don't do this." He pleads with the brown-haired archangel. His voice sounds weird, even to him. "You don't know if it's going to happen. Please. You don't have to kill her. You know what she means to me."

"Yes." Uriel answers. "That's exactly why I need to do this."

"She won't interfere."

"You know it's not true, Brother."

"Noooooooooo!" Lucifer screams as he helplessly watches the blade sink into the woman's chest as she falls to the floor, killed instantly.

Lucifer's eyes flame up and he runs to Uriel to kill him for murdering the love of his existence. Uriel disappears in a flash, leaving the Devil helpless and angry.

He looks at the sky and yells into the emptiness "You created her and put her in my path. You made me fall for her, why would you let him take her away from me! Have you no heart You bastard!"

He drops to his knees and cradles her to his chest, wrapping his wings around her lifeless body, desperately trying to heal her. If one of his feathers could heal Amenadiel, why wasn't it working on her? Why was she still on the floor not moving and not breathing. He fights back his tears, denying the truth and refusing to accept her fate. Maze joins him shortly after this and helps him up.

"Lucifer, come on, you can't stay here."

"She's dead, Maze. I can't leave her here."

"The cops are going to be here soon. We have to go."

"But Chloe..."

She hauls him up. "Chloe is dead." She tells him. "You have to go."

The Devil finally agrees and follows his demon through the back door, his eyes still glued to the body on the floor, even as the door closes. "I'll find you again Chloe. I swear, even if it takes me millennia." He thinks as he enters his car, in some sort of auto preservation mode as Maze turns the key in the ignition. She brings him to his place, reluctant to leave him alone after this. Lucifer looks at her, silent, his eyes still empty. Then he finally speaks.

"Maze. What would you say about going back?"


"I mean, there's nothing left here for me, so If you wanna go back, here's your chance."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you coming with me?"

Maze ponders this for a bit. "Yes." She puts her hand on his shoulder. "You know I'd never leave you."

"Good." He puts his hands together in a prayer. "I hope you're ready for what's to come, Dad, because even if Uriel wielded the sword, you're responsible for this, and you're going to pay for it." With a flap of his wings, he simply disappears in a flash and reappears in Hell.

Hell - forty years later

Lucifer searched for Chloe's soul on Earth for the last thirty-five years. He left no stone unturned, but couldn't find her yet. He even sent his best trackers, Maze leading them, to find her in every city, village of every country. So far she was nowhere to be found. If his Dad hadn't played a part in her creation, she would have ended up in Hell or the Silver City. But Chloe was special indeed and this prevented her from going to either Hell of the Silver City. This meant she was still on Earth, having a life of her own, and yet still out of his reach. After thirty-five years of unsuccessful hunts, he finally decided to give up, at least for now.

A Lucifer Fanfiction - A Soul Worth Waiting ForWhere stories live. Discover now