Chapter 7: Parrishable

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I ran out of Stiles car hoping to talk to Mason before class. I walked to my locker to see him and Liam already talking. Liam looks shaken, like he's about to lose it. "Hey" i say and put a hand on Liams shoulder.

"Hey are you going to the bonfire tonight?" Mason asked

"Do i have a choice?" i say raising an eyebrow and Mason laughed

"No no you dont we are going and Liam is going to embarrass himself in front of you while we find myself a Lacrosse player, because statistically speaking someone on your team has to be on mine" Mason exclaimed which caused me to laugh

"Yeah ok we will be there Alyssa can i talk to you" he said and before i could answer he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the locker rooms

"Liam what's wrong" i asked putting my hand on his cheek

"I've been having dreams about the berserkers" he sighed "And thats all i have been seeing, everywhere i go, they're everywhere" he said shaken.

"Just think about something else" i told him

"About what?" he asked

"About the bonfire about something you just need to get it out of your head." i said

he sighed and looked down at our interwind hands. "Lets get to class before coach freaks" he laughed and started to move to the door. i followed him and made my way to coaches class.


It was the end of the day and i was at my locker when someone put their hands over my eyes and i got scared "I dont even want to try to figure out who this is all you need to know is my dad has a gun" i said quickly

"Wow thats mean" Liam said and laughed

"Don't do that you scared me" i said and hit his chest and all he did was laugh.

"Sorry" he laughed "So you are going tonight right?"

"Mason wont let me stay home" i laughed as we walked outside the school

"right" he laughed "Well we are going to have fun tonight"

i laughed then i heard a noise from behind me "Did you hear that?" i asked him paranoid

"No come on I'll walk you home" he said and we walked to my place. "I'll see you tonight"

"See you" i said and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and left. i walked into the house to see Stiles and Scott on the couch. "What?"

"Wanna come with Me and Lydia to Eichen house tonight?" Stiles asked

"Can't going to the bonfire" i told him grining

"Isn't that a little to dangerous?" he asked

"Scott is going to be there and so is Liam so I'll be fine" i say and Stiles smirked

"Ok just be safe" he laughed and continued his conversation with my brother when i headed to my room i got a text from Liam

Liam:) - Hey do you still have my practice jersey?

Me- Yeah i never gave it back do you need it?

Liam:) - No, i want you to wear it tonight :)

i was blushing by this point he wants me to wear his jersey

Me - Sure we could match :)

Liam:) - Thats the point (Insert blush emoji)

Me - It only works if you have emoji's Liam lol

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