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I'm super excited for today! Not only are me and Emma in Los Angeles, our favourite city in the entire world, but Ethan and Grayson are also giving us a tour around the city! There's just one thing that's still on my mind... Grayson. I could stop thinking about him all night.


"Who's that?" Emma smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes before showing her my phone. "It was Grayson. They're outside." I smiled.

"What are we waiting for then" She jumped up from the bed and rushed out the door.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" I shouted, struggling to catch up with her.

I ran down the hallway, trying to get to Emma who was already pressing the buttons for the elevator.

"You seem a bit excited today." I smirked at Emma.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Emma asked sarcastically as we walked into the elevator and pressed the button for level 1.

"I don't know." I giggled, "should I?"

"Hannah, we're in our favourite city in the entire world! Why wouldn't I be excited to go sightseeing!?"

"I guess you're right." I smiled before we both squealed and jumped up and down. We were still doing it as the doors for the first floor opened and the boys saw us acting like 3 year olds.

"Shit." I smacked my face and we walked out and saw them laughing at us.

"What the hell was that?" Ethan laughed.

"Nothing." Emma looked at the floor.

"You guys want to get going?" Grayson asked, us following the twins to the car.

Throughout the day the twins took us to see the Hollywood sign, walk the walk of fame and basically go shopping, because who doesn't love shopping!?

*phone rings*

"It's mine." I say pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Oooh... who is it?" Emma asked leaning over my shoulder.

"It's Sarah. I'll be back in a minute." I say, all three of them nodding.

**"Hey Sarah! What's up?" I ask as I walk away from Emma and the twins.

"Have you seen the news?" Sarah asks excitedly.

"No, why?"

"Your performance at Coachella is going viral!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. Everyone wants you on their talk shows before you leave LA." Sarah tells me.

"But, I can't." I reply.

"Why not!?"

"I promised Emma and the twins that we could spend time together."

"Can't you just do one show?" She pleaded.

"Let me just chat to them quickly, hold on a sec."***

"Hey." I say walking back over to them.

"Everything okay?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, actually amazing! My Coachella performance is going viral and everyone wants me on their talk shows before I leave LA." I smile.

"But-" Emma stutters.

"Don't worry, I told her I promised I would hang out with you guys until we left. Sarah just wants me to do at least one, if that okay with you guys."

"Only if we get to come." Ethan chuckled.

"We can't risk that." I looked down at the ground.

"I think it'll be fine if you just do one!" Grayson smiled.

"You guys okay with that too?" I looked at Ethan and Emma.



***"You still there?" I asked Sarah.

"Yeah, what's your decision?"

"I'm happy to do one, but that's it, if that's okay"

"Of course, honey! James Corden, Ellen or Jimmy Fallon?"

"Let's do James, I've always wanted to be on his show!"

"Cool, I'll ring you back if he's booked, okay."


"So?" Emma asked, "who's show you gonna be on?"

"James Corden" I smiled.

"That's awesome!" Ethan replied.

"Hey, you guys want to come back to our place and go in the pool or something?" Grayson asked.

Me and Emma both looked at each other before screaming in unison, "HELL YEAH!"

"We may just have to go back to the hotel to pick up a few things." I said.

"Sure thing." Ethan smiled.

"Let's go!" Emma shouted as she ran back to the car.

I know I seem excited, but I'm genuinely really nervous. I'm so self conscious of my body and I hate wearing a bikini. I'm okay around Emma because we're practically sisters, but not around people I've just met...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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