What's your true form?
Sometimes I feel you, see you in other's faces,
What's real and what's not, is the million dollar question
One that gets the wheels in my mind spinning
Day in day out, wondering if you truly are...or are just a creation of our imagination
Greatly overratedWe see you in stranger's smiles, think of you, wish for you...and sometimes feel you
Like a hot cup of coffee on a chilly morning, you warm out hearts
And we wonder
Are you just a mere teaser of the great potential there is to feel something bigger than ourselves?You always come knocking through the kind faces of our loved ones, suspending us in a false sense of fulfillment...
Only to be knocked off our feet, by the painful stab of discovery and the stench of betrayal, as we turn around and come face to face with the once kind faces we knew, now contorted into distasteful sneers full of spite.
Then your brother rushes in,
And he is real as death
Bringing along the darkness.
Cloaking our view of the rest of the world.
Caging us in a prison of darkness, where days blend into months and months into years
Then we start to wonder if you were really there, or were just a figment of our imagination
And in our search to find you again, we put the blade to our wrists, and our finger to the trigger, if only to feel you, for one last time...
My Book Of Poems
PoetryShort meaningful poems about anything and everything.🌹 Don't forget to live...you'll die.