Oddity .o1

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It was dark and there was an undeniably heavy pressure on my chest as my eyes blinked open painfully, but all at once. At first, I thought I was dead. Maybe this was what death felt like? Heavy. It was an indescribable feeling really. I didn’t want to be dead. There were so many things I hadn’t gotten to do yet like get married, or have a job or children. Would I have nothing to do with those subjects? Was I not meant for that specific purpose? What was I meant for then…? Perhaps death was the only thing I was destined for after all.

At the slight tapping of footsteps that could be heard, I gave a silent gasp for air, my hands clenched the material at my fingertips. It felt like silk and it smelled like…him. For some reason, I found myself strangely attracted to the scent, tugging the blankets up to my nose so as to take more of it in. It was alluring like a mixture of musk and something undeniably sweet. I simply sat there for a moment, allowing the smell to overtake me and it served to calm me down a bit, however, I quickly realized what I was doing. Hands unclenched from the silken material as I brought myself upward with another heavy gasp. That heavy feeling…was it making it harder to breath or was it just me?

Oh. You’re awake now.

His voice rang out, its location undeterminable, sending ice cold sensations down my back bone as the hair on the nape of my neck stood up. My hands knotted into the blankets once more, tugging them up toward my torso in a desperate need for some sort of protection from the stranger. Emerald hues blinked gently, closing eventually as it seemed that I would not be able to see anything even if I tried.

No need to look so frightened, my little Rena,” the voice cooed, echoing out from seemingly everywhere, but mostly from behind me. Jumping a bit at the sudden notion, I buried my face in the blankets with a slight whine. “You’re my beloved partner,” he whispered in somewhat of a teasing tone, his voice traveling directly into my ear as if he were right next to me, “and I’ll be sure no harm comes to you.

Leave me alone…” I shuddered somewhat, pulling the blankets closer to my face so as to keep him from seeing any of the stray tears I was trying not to let loose, “just go away.

Am I frightening you?” He laughed, something cold was suddenly placed at my cheek, “You’re taking this a bit too seriously.

I didn’t say anything; I simply shook my head a bit in protestation, dragging the cold object, which appeared to be his hand, from my face with an audible whimper. The man responded with a laugh, an arm suddenly snaked its way around my waist as I was pulled against something. It was warm and…it smelled like him, so I deducted that he had embraced me. It was odd, at the same time as I was undeniably terrified, I felt…safe. I couldn’t bring myself to struggle, so simply allowed him to hug me, if only for a moment, and my eyes hung closed rather loosely.

See, I’m not so bad after all, right?

A dull pain in my hand snapped my out of my dazed state and back into reality, emerald optics opened bright as I took in my surroundings, finally free from the darkness. I struggled a bit, surprised as the other let me go rather easily and watched me scramble from the bed and to a nearby corner. My chest still ached and my body still felt as heavy as ever, but there was no way I was staying on that bed with that kidnapper for much longer! The brunette in question simply stared at me, crimson hues shimmering softly as he offered me somewhat of a smirk, “As I thought, you look much better in that.

…Look better in-?” I began, tilting my head slightly as I wondered what he was talking about when I realized I was slightly cold. Had it always been this drafty? Sure my pants had a hold ripped in the upper thigh, but I didn’t remember it being this chilly. Well, when I looked down, I discovered the source of my chilled skin. I was wearing a nightgown, a rather short nightgown at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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