Chapter 1

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Dior's Pov
Finally after this long ass flight i'm now here.I walk off the plane and grab my bags. I walk through the airport and search for my cousin Mei.It's been years since I moved from Atlanta to Florida with my mom.Now with my job giving me a promotion with higher pay here.I finally decided to transfer here and move back.

"Where is the hoe at?" I mumbled grabbing my phone to call her.

"Dior is that you?" I hear behind me
I turn around to see my cousin Mei.I haven't seen my cousin in almost two years due to our different work schedules.But we have kept in touch filling each other in about our lives.She was the first person I called when I decided to move bavk to Atlanta.

"Bitch i was just finna call and see where you was." I say walking to give my cousin a hug.

"Girl it's so good to see you, cmon my car is this way." She says to me walking away with me closely behind her.As we walk to her car I realized that her job has been paying her good looking at the all black Mercedes we were walking towards.

"Damn girl how much them people pay you for them blogs you be making?" I ask. Mei is a fashion blogger and she is a damn good one too.I see her blogs all the time online and can't help but to read them.

"Bitch enough." She laughs pulling out of the airport parking lot.She turns the music up and we rode in a comfortable silence.As we drive through the Atlanta streets I cant help but to look at the buildings that we pass by.It's been years since i've been here but it still feels like home.Florida was ok but I will always be a Georgia Peach at heart.

"So how was your flight girl I know that shit was tiring?".Mei asks turning the music down so she we could talk.

"Girl it was okay until somebody crying ass baby would not shut up the whole flight. I almost said mace the mf." I said betting irritated again thinking about the hollering ass baby.

"Not mace." Mei screams after hearing me complain about the baby.

"Girl yes mace i was so damn irritated because why would you bring that hollering ass baby on the plane im disgusted." I say rolling my eyes

Girl i forgot how funny your ass was." Mei said with tears in her eyes from laughing.

"You laughing but im deadass but on another note did you check on my apartment for me?"I already purchased my apartment ahead of time. So when I moved here I would have my own place.Mei insisted I stay with her but I politely declined not wanting to be a burden.

"Girl you already know I did speaking of that here are your keys." She says tossing the keys over to me.

"See this why you my favorite cousin right here." I say smiling as we pull into my apartment complex.We got out of the car and walk towards the elevator.Mei found the apartment for me and stays three doors down which was a good thing.Walking inside I see that it has a good amount of space to say it is a two bedroom.I also noticed it was deocorated I was planning to do that when i got here.But it seems like my cousin did it for me.

"Mei why the hell did you decorate my apartment?" I ask looking at my cousin who seems to be avoiding eye contact.

"Girl before you start complaining i just wamted to something nice for you." She says smiling.I cant help but smile back even though I hate when people spend unnecessary money on me it was a nice gesture.

"Mhmmm i guess bitch but enough of that how you amd carter doing?" As I mention the name of her longtime boyfriend she rolls her eyes.

"Girl he still on the same shit i've been tryna get him to quit for years but he still wanna sell." Mei says glaring into space. I've met Carter on numerous occasions and he's honestly not a bad dude he just happens to sell drugs. Me personally I would never deal with a drug dealer.Call me boujie I don't give a fuck.

"You can't make the man quit he gotta wanna do it on his own Mei I tell her." Rubbing her shoulder.Then I walk off to start unpacking all this shit i brought with me.

" I know but i just don't wanna see him in jail or worse dead." She says shaking her head helping me put my things up.

" I know but you gotta think positive boo you know Carter is gonna wanna leave that life sooner or later. You can't force him to so just give him time."I say putting clothes in the dresser. I look over to Mei who seems to be thinking real about what I said.

"You right im just so worried about him but I can't force him like you said."she says smiling a bit.

" I know I am now enough of this said shit.Where the parties at im tryna get fucked up tonight ?"I ask playfully bumping her shoulder.

"I know its a party at the shakeshack tonight." Mei says. I snapped my neck towards her so quick.
"The fuckin what?" I look at her like she lost her damn mind.What kinda fuckin name is the shake shack?

"Girl it's actually a fun ass club i've been there with Carter a couple of times ,and i like it.So your boujie ass might like it too.She says laughing.

"Bitch please what time the party start?" I ask looking through for an outfit for tonight.

"10 and ladies get in free untill 11" she says showing me the flyer.Then grabbing her phone back and starts walking to the door." I gotta go Carter wanna go somewhere real quick. I'll text you when it's time to go bye love."she say's getting ready to walk out.

"Bitch not you leaving me for him but bye I love you too." I say walking to the door and locking it.As I walk back to the room I can only think of one thing.

Who the fuck names their club the shakeshack..........

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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