Chapter 5

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Alex looks so good when he is driving, I had my head out of the window letting my hair blow with the wind, I would occasionally look back at him and we would make eye contact for a split second, which wasn't much but it felt almost comforting. We had arrived at the secret location and he got out of the car. I open the passenger door to step out of the car and I know this town so well it bothers me so much that I don't know this place. It looked kinda like a thin trail with trees on top of trees on either of the side, strangely he didn't follow the trail he stepped out of the car so i did the same. He took a left turn and started heading down deeper and deeper into the woods, my curiosity struck and I followed him off trail, where could he be taking me, I stop to see if he would notice, Alex took 2 further steps and turned to see that I had stopped "You coming?" I take one glance at my surroundings and see water and a little pier, that made me want to see where this way going, we got to a little pathway to the pier, Alex stopped, and I walked up next to him "Welcome to my favorite place, I've never brought anybody here before!" We both got closer to the end of the pier, our footsteps accidentally in sync. "You wanna go for a swim?" He has to be joking right, please be joking. Alex lifts his shirt off "Alex, what are you doing?" He turns back to face me while taking his pants off, I take a moment to admire his body and I notice that he has a tattoo on the bottom left side of his stomach of tree branches, which just makes him look 10x more attractive, Alex was now just stood there in his underwear. Out of nowhere, he took a very impressive dive into the water, seeing the water droplets fall down his face gives me the shivers "Don't just stand there get in, you can wear my t-shirt" That was an offer that was too tempting to reject, I picked up his t-shirt "A little privacy please" he spins around in the water, I quickly take off my outfit and put his t-shirt on hoping that he didn't see anything, I then sat down on the edge of the pier when Alex swam towards me holding me underneath the arms and lifts me into the water and we kinda just swam in circles for a moment. " Alex, who do u look up to out of everyone in the world?" he grins while wiping the water from his face "easy...Joe I mean he is the reason I'm where I am!" i thought that answer was abit stupid but as they say you gotta love yourself before you can love ayone else. We carried on swimming around for a little while sharing some small talk "Sage, can I show you something?" he goes under the water I do the same holding my nose. After a few seconds we come up "silence, beautiful isn't it... i know it's stupid" i reply" No I don't think its stupid at all" i float with my hair under the water but my face from the surface. I lift my head up stroke my wet hair but notice Alex staring at me. He started coming closer and closer to me and place his hand on my face. Leaned in for a kiss and I kissed back, I go for another kiss cos a part of me wanted to keep kissing him, I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help myself. We got dryed of and went for some food, I discovered he isn't as bad as I thought he was, we sat and ate while getting to know each other a bit more, when suddenly Luke and Reggie approach us at the table and sat down in our booth "Guys what are you doing here, you shouldn't be here!" Reggie turned to face Alex "jeez, at least try to act happy so see us" sam butted in by saying "Yeah Alex, lighten up we only came to sit and talk" Alex doesn't reply to their comments and reaches into his pocket ad pulls out his keys to his house and hands them over to me, almost like they wanted me to leave so they could talk about me. Was he embarrassed to be seen with me. But I got up from the seat "I'll be at the bar" i say directly to Alex. After a few minutes of them talking about whatever topic of conversation they were having Alex comes back and stands with me at the bar not looking his best "Hey, are you okay? What happened over there?" I ask him genuinely concerned i have never seen him like this before. "There was something I forgot to show you!" He replies completely ignoring my questions. Alex had zoned out which convinced me that something was wrong but I didn't want it to seem like I was pressuring his to open up to me so I decided it would be best to let him decide when or who he wanted to talk to about it. His silence made me question the possibility that it could have been something I had done, so I reflected on our day together to see if I could notice anything that might of made he feel in any way upset. My mind was about to explode! We kissed. Hunter. How did I forget about Hunter, I kissed Alex when I have a boyfriend back home, gosh I am such a bad girlfriend. I couldn't tell him It would be too much and I was not ready to handle that, I wasn't strong enough to even consider my life without Hunter. But there will be moments or times I will get flashbacks of the times me and Hunter had spent together over the course of time we had been together and I realised that he knows nothing about me I didn't really tell him anything even though he was one of the people closest to me. He knows nothing. I hadn't even spoken to him since I finished college, he has no idea that I persuded my photography career, or that im working with Sunset swerve and he certainly doesn't know about Alex. What should I do? Do I break up with him, do I keep it all a secret? This is wrong, this is so wrong I cant keep something like this from him I have to tell him, there is no other option. Ill do it tomorrow morning before I start my shift I couldn't do it now, especially not when Alex was around. He knew I had a boyfriend and he still kissed me, but I didn't hesitate to kiss back, does that make me a bad person. Surprisingly in sync we both snap out of our day dreams "so um Alex what did you forget to show me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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