Chapter 8 - A Kiss?

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He looked at her while going through some files.


"The Minister of Health is requesting for more free hand sanitizers and free treatment for the orphans. I think we can give the guarantee with the sanitizers but the orphans seem a bit problematic." Myeong Jo spoke as she was handling the country issues.

Days were passing and relationship between them were growing more lovely. Except for the part where she wouldn't let him in any type of intimacy. She's been handling many cases and issues around the Kingdom too. And looked like, she's too busy with them.

"Yeah, giving free treatment to orphans sounds awkward." Jimin also took a look at her file.

Myeong Jo thought for a minute, "How about sending a doctor every week in every orphanage? The board can pay the doctors extra."

Jimin nodded, agreeing with her.

"Let's do that."

Myeong Jo moved on to another file.

As she was working, wearing glasses, she even looked more beautiful. Jimin couldn't stop looking at her. He couldn't concentrate on his works. Well, his love for his wife was so genuine. He stared at her and smiled. He still remembered the day he first met her. That shy, little Queen. He still remembered how his first kiss was with her.

However he tried to brush it off. Though he wanted to get in touch with her, to caress her in every way; he too would remind himself as that was too much. He should give her space. He had noticed she was handling the issues around the kingdom remarkably well so he thought she should continue her duties as a queen first.

But as she continued, their relationship began drifting away a bit. She wouldn't find time for him. Always busy with her works. Jimin was glad at the fact of her improvements. But he wanted to spend time with Myeong Jo as well as handling his Kingdom. But seemed like she didn't even notice him these days.

Jimin looked at the clock and closed the files he was looking at. He put it back on the table and walked to her table. She was so deeply focused on the files, didn't even notice him standing. He put his hand on her table: his index finger knocking on the table.

He coughed to get her attention. She looked at him.

"Do you need water?" she asked.

"I need some time with my lovely beautiful wife." he leaned closer to her face.

Myeong Jo's cheeks turned red upon hearing that. Every time, he would get romantic, her stomach would get filled with butterflies. She bit her lips amd blushed, looking away.

"W-why all on a are saying--" she mumbled under her breath.

"In case you didn't notice, you are hardly giving your husband any attention since the last few weeks. I remember last we were actually together, was the night you consoled me and eventually left me." Jimin's romantic words turned into a bit of provoking and upsetting.

She looked at him, now understanding that he was in need of her.

"I-I'm sorry. I was too busy with--" she removed her glasses and stood up.

"You are right. Let's just be with each other." she smiled.

Hurting or making him upset was the last thing she wanted.

Jimin smiled at her offer and held her hand, "Let's go!"

Jimin was taking her to "only he knows" place. She asked him repeatedly where and why are they going there. He chose to remain silent and only replied saying it's a secret.

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