Part 2: I'll fight until I die

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Another chapter for you all!
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Some we have a giggle at 🤣

 Some we have a giggle at 🤣

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Cenia's P.O.V

I hum in content while grabbing the beach towels from the kitchen unit. Watching Sinister trying to put on Salvador's trousers and chuckling to myself. Sinister takes the picnic basket and also holds Salvador's hand who is now around 5 years old, he's grown to be a handsome little boy, definitely gets his attitude from Sinister. Well okay, yes he gets it from me.

Once we are all ready to go, I place on my slip on shoes before we walk out of the beach house, my hand on my overlarge bump of my new unborn baby and I rub it over protectively. Sinister kisses my forehead sweetly and quickly as we walk down to the beach, my feet hitting the sand smoothly and I close my eyes breathing in the beach air.

"Come on Flower" Sinister calls over to me as him and Sal are way ahead of me, wondering off mainly because Sal keeps dragging Sinister away and they already have placed down the picnic blanket on our usual spot on the beach.

"Yes come on Mummy! I want toast!" Salvador shouts out, clapping his hands before digging into the picnic basket to get his favourite food.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I shout out, waving my hands to them. Seeing Sinister smiling at me and looking me up and down, feeling myself get out of breath quickly. I catch up to them and take a seat on the picnic blanket. I breathe deeply from being out of breath. Being 9 months pregnant is not for the kind hearted. I hand Sal some toast from the basket which he eats down quickly.

"Come on Sal we'll go for a walk" Sinister says to the five year old as he agrees with his father. I let them go for a walk while I rest looking out to the beach. That's when I felt it, the pain. My breathing becoming ridged as I hold my bump. I look up to the direction that I see Sinister is and scream his name.

"SINISTER!!" I scream as I feel the pain erupt through me again, I look over at him and see that he keeps walking down the beach. I breathe harder than before, looking down at my bump and I see the blood forming between my legs. I gasp, rubbing my stomach, tears fall from my eyes onto the sand and I try again to call out to Sinister.

"PLEASE! SIN! HELP ME!" I practically growl out, wanting to gain his attention, I try to move but I can't. I can feel myself being forced down in the sand like I'm glued to it. I cry heavily, just wanting Sinister to turn around. I look up to Sinister again but he is no longer walking anymore and now is running back towards me, gun shots erupt around him as he holds Sal against his chest shielding him, but it's to late as he and Sal scream and both fall to the ground, dead, my breathing is caught in my throat. My husband, my baby, I sob for them. My eyes are looking around the beach frantically and I jump out from my skin and now all I see is a figure sitting beside me.

Demionos Mortales De la Mafia- Part 2Where stories live. Discover now