𝔠𝔥𝔲𝔯𝔠𝔥 𝔭𝔢𝔴𝔰.

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Eleanor had never actually intended to be there. It all happened so fast, and her brain went into autopilot. Perhaps if she had thought it out better, none of this would've happened, but it was too late for that now. What was done was done, and there was no changing it.

Her hand tightened its grip around that stupid piece of wood that she'd clung onto for her entire life,  as she heard the footsteps approaching where she hid. The church pews could only provide cover for so long. And she knew that the death eaters were not going to let her get away from them this time. She knew that she should have her hopes up, holding on to that small sliver of hope, however, she had never been known for her optimism.

The feeling in her stomach came back. The one she had hated for as long as she could remember, yet the one she could never seem to get rid of. It sent a chill through her body and finally settled in her chest, causing her heart to speed up drastically. Eleanor knew she was going to die. It was four versus one, and she wasn't anywhere near as skilled as her fellow order members. There was no hope.

She'd accepted that these were her final moments by now. She'd also figured out that the "your life flashes before your eyes" thing was simply a hoax. At least it was for her. All Eleanor could think about was Lily.

She'd made a promise to the redhead. She promised to come home, and it brought pain to Eleanor just to imagine the tears that would fill her lover's emerald eyes upon figuring out that she'd died.

It would be another tragic event in Lily's already painful existence. 

The odd event that is tragedy was too common for the couple to experience.

Their love being one of the many. When their relationship formed, they were cautious about their displays of affection. A gaze that lasted a moment too long would be able to ruin their lives. That was what was so painful about it all. They had to hide behind fake facades, and even after years of acting, it all still hurt as if it was a fresh wound. It hurt to see that people were too ignorant to see the real problems that plagued the world but rather decided to focus on who was kissing who. It hurt to see the societal exile that people like Eleanor and Lily faced.

Yet it was all part of the cruel thing that is reality. The same thing that brought her here. The same thing that killed James and his wife. The same thing that allowed Remus to be burdened with such a terrible condition. The same thing that allowed Sirius to go bonkers and wind up in jail. The same thing that killed Peter.

Eleanor sat silently for a moment, not a thought in her head before it hit her. There was no getting out. It was the end of her story- a rather short story. It had been woven together, every puzzle piece coming into place by now. She realized what she had to do. It might have been incredibly stupid, but she wanted to go out with a bang. One last show that she was going to do whatever the hell she pleased.

The black-haired woman suddenly stood up from behind the pew, coming into the plain view of her attackers. The first spell fired came from her, quickly taking down one of the four ghastly figures.

The other three were quick to respond, spells being shot at her from every direction. They varied in color, most of them being that same forest green color that had killed so many of her loved ones. The same spell that had orphaned her at such a young age, and caused her to be the last of the prestigious Rigby bloodline.

It was at that moment it hit her. It was all too sudden, and maybe if she'd been more aware she'd still be up, and walking, and perfectly fine. But it was too late for regrets now. Life slowly drained out of her. Her eyesight had gone blurry, her ears were ringing, and she had hit the floor.

Those bold emerald eyes store at her even though they weren't there. Hearty, loving, laughter that she had once known rang through her ears. Fiery red hair of the one she'd given her heart too graced her fingertips. 

And for once in her life, Eleanor Rigby was at peace. She was with Lily no matter what, and nobody could touch her any longer. 

She took her final breath. 

"eleanor rigby,
died in the church and was buried along with her name."

809 words. unedited.

ELEANOR RIGBY ━ lily evans. ( ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now