6th OC

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Sue me- stop me- please XD

♡Name: Tyrus Albert Aasir Stevens-Carson

♡Nicknames: Ty, Ty-Ty, Prince

♡Age: 4-10

♡Gender: Male

♡Family: Erik Stevens/Killmonger/N'Jadaka (Daddy (biological)), Chantal Carson (Mama (biological)), N'Jobu (grandpa (biological) (deceased)), Jamar Carson (granddaddy (biological)), Daunte Xavier-Carson (little brother (biological)), Jevonte Smith-Carson (baby brother (biological)), Cliff Smith (eventual step-dad), Romanda (Great Aunt (biological)), T'Chaka (Great Uncle (biological)), T'Challa (Older cousin (biological)), Shuri (Older cousin (biological)), Ulysses Klaue ('Uncle')

♡Personality: Tyrus has a hard time focusing and can be impulsive making him regret a lot of things afterwards. He loves history and his family, though he's very uneasy about Cliff due to the way his younger brother's biological father was, but he's even interested in his family in Wakanda even if his father didn't talk highly of them. He's rather quiet and respectful especially towards his parents. He adores his father genuinely thinking he's doing things for the greater good. He's very creative and loves to learn so he's fairly smart, fitting in with his family. Despite his soft spoken, rather sweet personality, he refuses to take meanness and disrespect to himself, his family, his friends, or even strangers. Tyrus can truly be a sweet kid and has a surprisingly optimistic view on things, wanting to believe there's good in everyone, the only exception to this being Zachary. However, this also causes him to trust people very easily. He likes to try and be the man of the house which does occasionally lead to arguments with Cliff. He's also very protective of his mama and younger brothers.

♡Looks: Long in the front, curly black hair, brown eyes, scar on his lower jaw from an incident when he was 2, dark skin

♡Likes: Baseball, drawing, sudoku, going to the zoo, being at school, spending time with family, sunsets on Wakanda, being a big brother, making friends, his fidget cube, learning new things, fighting, nap time, baths and showers, dogs, coloring. 

♡Dislikes: Crowds, Erik's markings, Zachary, pressure, his ADHD, when he makes bad choices, dinosaur animatronics, going shopping, most all amphibians, leather, alligators, drama, reality t.v., the smell of wet dog food, rain, cheese, most things related to the color green.

♡Backstory: Tyrus was born when both his parents were young, both 18, neither were expecting to get pregnant but it was agreed between them that Chantal would raise the little boy while Erik went into the Navy SEAL. Of course, he came and seen his son when he could but Chantal did continue to date since it was also agreed they wouldn't marry since they really saw nothing past friends with benefits and parent to their son. She eventually met Zachary Xavier when Tyrus was 3 and had another son with him. Unfortunately, he was abusive towards her. He usually left the boys alone but there would be instances where he would do things like push Tyrus around because the young boy would talk back to him the older he got. This horrible experience went on for 3 more years when Chantal's father got fed up with this and got Erik to help too. With some roughing up, threatening, and a restraining order, he backed off. When he tried to get in their lives again though Chantal moved in with her father and together they got Zachary locked away for domestic abuse. They stayed with Jamar with Erik still visiting now and then. When Tyrus was 9 though, not only did hus father finally leave the Navy but his mother started dating again. Worried that this man would be like Zachary, he tended to spend more time with Erik at which he fully started to learn of his Wakandian royal heritage. About family there, what happened to his grandpa and Erik promised to make good on the nickname he had, to make him a real prince. Due to spending so much time with Erik, Tyrus did meet Ulysses, and the boy hooked onto him right away. A year later, Erik went to Wakanda with the promise of returning to bring Tyrus with him but he died. Within Erik's last moments though, T'Challa learned of the boy and he invited him over to meet them all and see Wakanda and, with his mother and brothers, he agreed and visit every now and then.

♡Weaknesses: Not focusing making him clumsy when he's rushing, bad hearing in his left ear, ticklish on his stomach, easily trusting

♡Comfort Item: A black wolf stuffed animal named Sabby and a purple fidget cube he brings around with him everywhere to further help him focus

♡Fears: Snakes, lizards, animatronics, mannequins, public speaking

♡Favorite Color: Dark purple, blue, and gold

♡Bad Habits: Licking and biting his lips sometimes making them bleed, scratches at his arms when nervous in a situation, pouting, singing in the shower

♡Snack Time Favorite: Sunflower seeds

His scar is from hitting his jaw on the corner of the table.
Calls Romanda 'Auntie' like Erik did when meeting her.
Wants to be a professional baseball player.
Is called Prince by the main adults in his life. His mother calls him that because she thinks its a cute name, Erik calls him that because of his tie to Wakandian royalty.
He has 2 dogs, a Bichon Frise named Tank and a Cairn Terrior named Chica.
He has an allergy to bananas and red food dye as well as mild ADHD which he takes stimulates for to help him focus in school.
His left ear makes ear wax much faster than his other so at times he has a hard time hearing out of it, his mother helps him clear it out with peroxide, letting it bubble up then drain it out.

♡Movie: Black Panther

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