Chapter 7

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Ja'kayla pov
I can't get her out my head I haven't been seeing her around school but I hope she comes today because the last time I seen her she looked bad and pretty upset about something but whatever it is I want her to know that I'm here for her even though I don't know her I need to find her asap

Sam pov
I couldn't go back to that house I just couldn't so I slept in my car at the park but I went to school early so I can freshen up before anybody come n lucky for me one of the doors was open i rushed to the girls locker room shower and did my personal hygiene I made sure I had everything and left and that was that I left and went to go get some to eat I was hungry I didn't eat anything last night so I decided to get some Macdonald's

Cashier- Hi Welcome to Macdo -(cuts off)
Sam- can I have two burritos and a small frappe plz and thank you
Cashier- okay that will be $5.42
Sam hands the cashier the money and went to the bathroom

Ja'kayla pov
   Ughh another day at this bullshit of a school but I'm hungry and ion want the school food so ima get some Macdonald's
Cashier-  Hi welcome to Macdonald's
Kayla- hey can I get a burrito and a small frappe
Cashier- that will $4.00
Kayla hands the cashier the money and went to the bathroom also

Sam pov
  It looks like ian eat in days I'm so damn skinny and pale (signs) let me go I know my food been ready

As sam was leaving she bump Into kayla who was apologizing for not paying attention and once she look up it was sam they made eye contact and den went there ways


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