A psychic girl moved back( mainly to see her best friend*cough* saiki *cough)
But what would happen if this cold hearted girl met the sweetest "magical" boy(😂)
It's happens to be called "icy love 💗💙"
You groan and slam your hand on the alarm»Shut up!...« You say groggily~ You get up from bed and accidentally freeze the nightstand in the process»Seriously,Imma just need gloves I like. Ooh let's go to the store before school starts!« you say ecstatically~ You get ready and run down stairs and out the door grabbing your bag in the process~ as you run onto the sidewalk you bump into someone who seems to be wearing the same uniform~ You look up and see its saiki~
Guys I feel like I'm writing one of those choice games like "you look up to see your crush what do you do?" i just find it hilarious😂😂
»Oh hey Kusuo!« you say as you start to walk with him»hey, why are you in a hurry exactly« he asks »oh I was gonna go get some gloves« »Oh I have some right here I got for you!« he hands you gloves
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(Either these)
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(Or these take your pick,or you can imagine them up) Oh and you can only freeze things you touch with your palm if that makes sense
»Aww Thank you Kusuo!!« you put them on and hug him »Very comfy!!« you say as you pull away from him~ he'd smile~ »so are you ready for school?« Kusuo asks in his monotone voice~ »sorta,I mean it's a new school,so new people. I don't know how I would like it«
Imma end this chapter here,mainly because I just got home from camp and I'm tired Have fuuun