Written By Her highness, Taylor Shetter.

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Life sucks

I mean,

I know its rough sometimes

But at least there's food

And a warm bed every night

I know the kids are cruel

And what they say

It's so fucking mean

But self harm

And suicide

Aren't the right things

They don't make life better

Or easier

They just make it worse

By passing on the pain

To the ones who love you

And the ones who care

And I know

It may feel impossible

To carry on living

When everyone's telling you to die

But picture,

After your suicide

How your momma

Who gave birth to you

And taught you how to breathe

Is gonna cry

Knowing that her baby just died

And there was nothing

Nothing she could do

Because she didn't know

And your dad

How you'll be taking the sparkle

From his eyes

Every time he sees you smile

It seems so easy

In your mind right nw

But its just the demons

Trying to win another battle

And to take

Another life

Don't let them in

They only get stronger

After every time the blade

Cuts a bit deeper

And I know

It feels like every day

You go clean

It gets worse

But it doesn't, that's just the aftermath

Of addiction

And yeah

Maybe you're different from the other girls

But that's what makes you

YOU and beautiful.

And they just wanna tear you down Because they're insecure

And they feed off of the misery of others .

But don't give them the satisfaction

Don't let them win

You're better than that.

All suicide is,

Is giving up

Giving in

Letting them win.

You can't give up

You can't give in

You can't let them win

Stand and fight.


Life sucks

But only if you let it.

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