Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

August 13, 2013

"Perrie! Come on lets go!' My older brother Derek shouted uo the stairs. 

"Coming!" I called back grabbing my messanger bag off my desk chair and running out of my room. Of course this is me we're talking about so of course I trip over my own two feet and somersault down the stairs landing flat on my bum in front of Derek. I send a shy smile up at him and he just rolls his eyes in return before turning around on his heel and stalking out the front door.  I sigh and pull myself off the floor ,adjust the strap on my bag and follow Derek out the door. 

Derek gets in the driver's seat of our SUV and starts the engine up. I climb into the very back and stare down at my shoes. Of course on black converse and one red one. Smooth Perrie smooth. Of course I couldn't tell Derek and besides he wouldn't go back. He'd much rather pretend I didn't exist. Of course Derek didn't always hate me it all started six years ago.


"Dad, I don't even know why we're going to grandfather we all know whos gonna be alpha." ten year old me whines tugging on my dads sleeve as we walk through the woods to my grandfather's house. Dad looks down at me with a mischevious grin and a glint of amusment in his eyes.

"Just because Derek's first born diesn't mean he's going to be alpha. He may not even poses the alpha gene." My dad informs me.

"But-but he's braver and stronger and-and..." Not me I finish in my mind. My dad stops walking and kneels down to my size.

"Sure, he may be but you know what?" Dad says looking right into my eyes. 

"What?" I ask quietly.

"You are smart and ambitous and you could be just as brave and strong as Derek but first you have to except yourself or no one else will."  My dad smiles at me and ruffles my hair.

"Dad..." I whine pushing his hand off.  Dad chuckles and throws his arm over my shoulders and we continue walking. 

"Derek!" Dad's voice booms through the woods making me jump a bit. Tweleve year old Derek runs up a couple of leaves stuck in his dark brown hair. He smiles at me and wraps a tan arm over my shoulders and looks at me with his baby blue eyes. I smile at him in return. Little did I know that would be the last time my brother actucally showed he cared. 

"Race you!" Derek laughs taking off running.

"No fair!" I call after him but I'm immediatly pursuing him. Being werewolves we moved with more speed and agilty then human children and we could control our breathing making running fast and hard for long distances pretty easy. 

"Kids!" Grandmother's voice calls out. Derek and I stop at the top of the waterfall by our grandparents house and let out a couple howls. We hear our grandfather chuckle and we run up to the house. No surprise Dads already there. 

"Come on children." Grandfather motions for us to go inside the small house. "Sit." he orders pointing to the fireplace. We do as we're told and Grandfather takes a seat in his rocking chair. 

He hands Derek a cup of tea leaves. Derek looks deep into the cup and furrows his brows in concentration.

"I-I don't see anything. Grandfather." He says looking up from the cup confused. Grandfather nods and motions for Derek to pass me the cup. I look into the cup and smile.

"Theres a bunny chasing a butterfly in a-a meadow!" I giggle looking up at Grandfather who smiles wistfully at me. 

Next Grandfather hands me a bowl of ashes from the fireplace. "Blow on it." he tells me. I look at him weirdly but do as he says. The bunny and butterfly from the tea leaves comes up wistfully and it was like the work of fearies. The bunny chased the butterfly around my head and around the house. I laugh and reach my hand out to touch it but as soon as I do it disappears. 

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