Chapter 30

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After leaving the region of Kanto, the arrived at the region of Johto, and now they were on their way to a place called New Bark Town, the home of Prof Elm. "I know we just got here to Johto," said Ash "but I can't wait to see what adventures we'll get up to here". "What I can't wait to see is all the pokemon you get here in Johto" said Misty. "Funny thing is though Misty is that you and I have already got a Johto region pokemon," said Ash "you've got a Slowking and I've got a Lugia. I mean I know we caught them in the Orange Islands, but they're still Johto pokemon". "I'm still amazed how you two got those pokemon" said Brock. Ash and Misty told Brock about their encounters with Lugia and Slowking back in Kanto.

Just then they stopped walking; the area they were walking through was misty. "This place is so misty, it's hard to tell where we're going" said Brock. Tomo held onto Ash's hand so that he wouldn't get separated from Ash. "Now what shall we do?" asked Misty "I mean even with a map, we won't be able to find New Bark Town in this". Suddenly Togepi hopped out of Misty's arms and walked through a path by herself. Pikachu and Growlithe followed her to keep her out of trouble. The gang followed the pokemon too, but then they saw a beautiful, blue pokemon at a lake. "Wow look at that" said Misty. Ash stared at the pokemon in wonder. 'I wonder who that is' he thought. Suddenly the pokemon noticed the gang's presence and then ran off. "Wow what pokemon was that?" asked Ash. "I don't know," said Brock "but look the mist is going away". "You're right Brock," said Misty "but I suggest we keep going in case the mist comes back". The boys agreed with her.

The gang walked more and more, until at last they came to a sign. "This sign says 'New Bark Town," said Brock "so that means we're here at last". The gang took a good look at New Bark Town. "What a nice town" said Misty. "Okay so what should we do first?" asked Ash "I mean should we visit Prof Elm's lab or head to the pokemon center?" "Well Ash," said Brock "you need to register for the Johto League and we also need to check our pokemon, so we should head for the pokemon center". And everyone else agreed with Brock. So the gang walked to the pokemon center, but Nurse Joy wasn't there. A Chansey showed them a video message from Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy's message said that she was at Prof Elm's laboratory and would be back at 2:00 that afternoon. "That's funny," said Misty "she said 2:00, but it's 3:30 now". "Maybe something happened at the lab," said Brock "we should go there and see".

When they got to the lab, there were police cars and Officer Jenny was checking the lab. "What's going on Officer Jenny?" asked Ash. "Some thieves had stolen a pokemon from Prof Elm's lab" said Officer Jenny. The gang was surprised by that and went inside the lab to find out more. Nurse Joy was inside the lab with Prof Elm and she was a bit cross with him. "Honestly Prof Elm," she said "I can't believe you le something like this happen". "I'm really sorry Nurse Joy," said Prof Elm "I was doing some research and didn't realise what was happening in my lab, until you came up". Prof Elm was a researcher, but he looked more like a scientist. "Stop making excuses Professor," said Nurse Joy "you should pay more attention to your surroundings than to your research. Honestly that trainer will not be happy when she realises her pokemon won't be here tomorrow". "Has something happened here Nurse Joy?" asked Brock. "Yes something has happened," said Nurse Joy "a pokemon was stolen from here". "What! A stolen pokemon?" gasped the group.

Officer Jenny explained everything. "The pokemon that the thieves took was a pokemon, which was supposed to be a new trainer's starter pokemon tomorrow" she said. "I do hope that Totodile is okay" said Nurse Joy. "Totodile is one of Johto's starter pokemon right?" asked Ash. Apparently Ash had heard about Johto's starter pokemon before. "That is correct" said Prof Elm. In his arms was a bluish-green and cram coloured pokemon that looked a bit like a mole. "Hey that's a Cyndaquil," said Ash "Johto's fire starter pokemon". "That is also correct," said Prof Elm "you see I give out starter pokemon for new trainers. I give out Cyndaquil a fire type, Totodile a water type and Chikorita a grass type". He showed the gang pictures of Totodile and Chikorita. Totodile was a blue crocodile and Chikorita was a light green animal with a big leaf on its head. "Reminds me of the starter pokemon Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle that Prof Oak gives to new trainers in Pallet Town," said Ash. Prof Elm was delighted to hear that Ash and the gang knew Prof Oak and went on talking of how great he was. Brock listened to Prof Elm but Ash, Tomo and Misty were paying attention to Cyndaquil with Nurse Joy. "Prof Elm is a good man and takes real good care of pokemon," said Nurse Joy "but I do wish he thinks about something else rather than his research". "The only thing to think about now is to find those pokemon thieves and bring Totodile back" said Misty. "I agree," said Ash "but how should we find them?" Just then one of Officer Jenny's men came up to them. "We've found footprints on the ground" he said "and they are not any of ours". Officer Jenny looked at the footprints and then released her Growlithe. Growlithe sniffed at the footprints and then made a run for it in town. "I think Growlithe has picked up the scent of the thieves," said Officer Jenny "time to get after them". Ash and the gang followed Officer Jenny too.

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