Going Cray-Cray

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It's Me.
I screamed, snapping awake. Freddy. He was here.
"What?" spoke a muffled voice. I screamed again. Alex pushed himself up. "Wha's goin on?" he asked sleepily.
I went berserk. "Freddy! He's here!" I yelled, pointing to the door.
"Freddy? You mean. . .the animatronic?"
I nodded vigorously. "He's here!"
Rachel got up a few seconds after Alex did. "Wow. I've never seen somebody so excited about him before. You must be a big fan."
"Ha, ha."
I made a wild dash towards the door and locked it. Rachel and Alex watched groggily as I started barricading the door with chairs and pillows. Finally, Rachel put an end to my hysteric rampage.
"Stop! You are going nuts!"
I breathed heavily, over and over.
"I'm not going nuts. You are!"
Alex put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to say this once, and one time only. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!"
Rachel nodded. "Yeah. You're going cray-cray!"
I took a few breaths and mustered up the courage to look out the peephole. Nothing was out there.
"You guys are coming with me."
Rachel frowned. "Where?"
"Mike's office.
"And you saw him in your dreams?" asked a worried Mike.
I nodded. "After the words It's Me flashed."
Mike developed a sudden interest on this spot on the floor. "What?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"
Mike nodded. "Okay, second question. What did you see on his face?"
"What! I can't remember!"
Oh, but the minute after I said that, the image of his face flashed in my mind.
"I see. . .his eyes, his endoskeleton, his face with. . .two dark handprints on his face."
Mike's eyes shot up in fear. "Bite of '87," he murmured. I instantly got frustrated.
"Everyone keeps saying that! Who is this kid? What about his frontal lobe?"
Mike hummed and ignored me until I grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
"WHAT IS THE BITE?!" I screamed.
That shocked everybody in the room.
Mike sighed.
"Sit down. This may be a little harder to bare then you think.

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