Chapter 010

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Zy'Aire POV
"Fuck!" I groan rubbing my hands down my face in frustration

Why is everyone mad at me? I really don't think I said anything wrong

"Zy'Aire Donatello Atkins!!!" A female voice roars and I wince

"God please tell me he didn't." I groan even more slouching in my chair, but once the door bust open I immediately sat up

"Get em grandma Atkins!" Ezelle says and there stood my furious eighty-seven year old grandma, but what's surprising is she doesn't even look that age she looks like she could be in her early fifties

"Zy'Aire what did you do?!" She seethes and I sigh

"Grandma I didn't say anything wrong!!" I said

"Bullshit!! Ezelle told me what you said if I was that young lady I would have slapped the shit out of you!!!" Grandma yells and I look at her in shock

"Your father before he became so successful he struggled your grandfather left me as soon as I had your father imagine being a seventeen year old raising a baby, but I did what I had to do for us so I worked day and night to make sure he had everything he could possibly need and he did the same for you." Grandma says and I sat there quietly stun

"Your daddy met your mother his first year of high school he was completely sprung he would follow her around like a lost puppy so imagine how he felt when he came home from work and saw you in your crib fast asleep, but didn't see your mother... He was devasted so I had to step in and and he hired maids to help raise you so he could make a better life for you where you would never have to struggle." Grandma says and I sigh feeling guilty

"What you said to that girl was completely out of line Zy'Aire you had no business judging her for something she had no control over nobody wants to run away from home or from life, but with her situation hell I would have ran too." Grandma says and I sigh standing up grabbing my jacket

"Where are you going?" Grandma asks while I respectfully walk past her

"I'm going to go see her." I said making a quick escape out the door

I don't need Ezelle or my grandma all up in my ear about what I did wrong I can clearly see it

Getting into my personal car which is a 2019 silver Honda Accord

Unfortunately Ezelle messed up giving me her information

Once I type her address in the maps app I sped onto the road I was on my way to her

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