The Letter

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Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia: Axis Powers or any of the characters mentioned in this story.

"Hey, Tino! Where the heck are you going, class is this way!" Matthias yelled at me. Internally, I groaned and turned around. Would I never get the hang of this school? Everything was just so far apart, it was a little ridiculous. Back in Finland, I had gone to a much smaller school. The entire population was probably about the size of a single class in APH high. So it was beginning to irritate me that this school was so freaking huge.

Ah well, at least I had Den to help me.

"Sorry Den!" I called back sheepishly, jogging over to meet my large Danish friend. Matthias was pretty tall, and well built too. He had blond hair that he jelled into spikes every day, and he stood at least a foot over me. It was a little intimidating. At least it was at first... I had pretty much gotten used to it by now.

I had been here at APH High for about a month now. The move from Finland, my home county, had been really difficult. I wasn't sure if I would be able to find friends, or if the two years of English I had taken as an elective would be enough for me to understand what people were saying. It was pretty nerve wracking the first day.

Luckily, it turned out that I really hadn't needed to worry about anything. This school was used to foreign students, and the teachers were mostly bilingual or from different countries themselves. English was still a little hard for me to grasp at times - everyone spoke so fast!- but with a little help I was usually able to understand. As for friends... Well, as soon as Den spotted me, he had immediately got me to join his group of friends. We called ourselves the Nordics, because we were all from Nordic countries. Matthias was form Denmark, so we called him Den. There were two others in our group, Lukas and Emil. But I'll talk more about them later.

Currently, Den and I were headed to science. All sophomores were required to take biology . I was lucky not to be here last year; I absolutely hate physics, so that would pretty much have been torture for me. I am hopeless at math or anything to do with formulas and equations. I would never understand how Lukas was able to do those things like they were nothing. Den, on the other hand... Was a little school challenged, to say the least.

Biology, however, I did like. That may have been mostly due to the teacher. As Den and I walked into the classroom, we were immediately greeted with the smell of pasta and coffee, as usual. You would think the smell would get old after a while, but it really doesn't. At least, it hasn't so far.

We sat down and got settled, joking and laughing about stupid things like we always did. After the bell rang, Mr. Vargas still wasn't here. This wasn't an unusual occurrence, Mr. Vargas was late to class half the time.

Sure enough, he ran in at about 8:04, almost five minutes after the bell had rung.

"Sorry I'm late, class!" He called cheerfully with a wave. His brown hair was sticking up and his tie was rumpled. For an older guy, I suppose he was kind of good looking. Half the girls in school have crushes on him. They have no chance though; he's married with grandchildren, both of which go to our school. He really doesn't LOOK old enough to be a grandfather...

"That's ok, sir!" Matthias called out. "We don't mind!" Despite his abysmal grades in almost any subject, Den was constantly kissing up to all the teachers.

Mr Vargas chuckled. "Well, good! Ciao, everyone!"

"Ciao, mr Vargas!" We chorused back. Mr Vargas and his grandsons were from Italy, and as he thought it was the best country in the world, he had taken it upon himself to teach all of his students as much Italian as he could.

"Before we start class today, we are going to change seats! The chart is up on the projector, so let's go!"

My stomach dropped suddenly, and I felt a bit queasy. This meant I wouldn't be sitting next to Den anymore.. And I didn't know anyone else in the class. I had been so happy to have a friend at all that I hadn't made an effort to reach out to anyone else. I should have seen this coming! I'm so stupid!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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