Chapter 1 - y/n l/n

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(ema's p.o.v)

"make the heel have small gap, lift it a bit and don" yuusuke explained

'lift it a bit and don' I thought and I lift my heel a bit and put it back down

"make sure the belt is tight, we have to make this to the sleigh, it could be dangerous" yuusuke said as he checks my Snowskate board

I nod in response

"...ehehe. want to try it yourself?" yuusuke ask

"how is it?, is it still a bit loose?" I ask as yuusuke fix the belt

"is that fine?" he ask and look up to me, then yuusuke got plashed by snow and I look up to see natsume, he removed his Google's and smiled at us

"natsume-san" I greeted

"natsume-nii" yuusuke said

"You two haven't went all?" natsume ask

"we're still not done for preparations" yuusuke argued

"natsume-san your good at snowboarding huh?" I complimented

"is that so? All I pretty much do is slide, it goes down anyway" natsume said

"I don't think that at all, it was cool" I said

"I see well, thank you"

Yuusuke looks away but I didn't notice

"is that rental?" natsume ask

"yes" I answered

"if I'm correct, it's your first time snowboarding right? Wouldn't a shorter one be better?"

"Eh? Is that so?"

"can't help it. The rental shop was crowded and we thought it seemed like the best one" yuusuke said

"hmm. Seeing yuu-chan, will it be alright" a voice behind us said

We turned around and saw kaname sliding down to us

"kaname-san" I greeted

"is that something you guys say? But since you guys came, I can't prepare properly" yuusuke said

"well then imouto-chan" kaname trailed off and put his arm on my shoulder "I'll take you around and teach you"

"hey, you see!" yuusuke yelled and skated over to kaname "I'm going to teach her!"

"hmm? Yuu-chan are you hungry?" kaname teased "you have that expression and all"

"I'm not!"

"well then, let's go imouto-chan"

"um......" I started to slip and yuusuke put a hand on my shoulder

"it'll be fine with me!"

"I wasn't asking you, but imouto-chan"

They continue to argue as I stand in the middle

I started to slip down the snow without kaname and yuusuke noticing, natsume did and was about to skate to me but someone was faster

I landed on someone's chest......

A woman's chest........

I blushed deep red then I heard a monotone voice but it was gentle

"are you alright?"

I look up to see a beautiful woman

She has shiny waist length h/c hair, beautiful e/c eyes, s/c Skin, she's wearing a f/c coat, black jeans, and a red scarf

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