chapter 13 - basketball court with subaru

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(y/n's p.o.v)

Me and Akira walk our way to the basketball court, it's Saturday my day off and me and Aki decided to have a little fun for a bit

"ah, it's been long since we played basketball" he said as he stretched his arm up to the air

I chuckle and nodded look at the ball, it really does bring back memories

" was long" I said looking at him

"hm? You forgot two haired colo—"

"colored freak?" I cut him off and he nods "hm"

We reached the basketball court and we thought no one was there but then..

We gone face to face with subaru asahina

"hey subaru, how you've been this past 2 month?" I ask completely forgetting Akira exist

"i-i, f-f-fine!" he stammered with a red face

"alright, what ya doin' here?" I ask

"um.... Practice?"

"cool, you can play with us" I said to the taller male

He blushed brighter and nodded nervously then looked scared when he saw the look on my brothers face telling him fuck-off-shithead

"Alright, let's go! Me versus both of you!"

~time skip~

(3rd person p.o.v)

Y/n was celebrating her victory while the males pants heavily

"beat that boys!"

Akira wipes his sweat and says "aye, I'm gonna buy water, y/n you coming? "

"nah, I think I'll stay" y/n said putting her hand behind her head as she shrugs

"alright" he said and look at subaru with a glare saying don't-do-anything-funny and walks away

"so uh.......... um....uh... I.. " subaru stammered with a red face

"you seem.....nervous, you okay? " y/n ask

"y-yeah" he said scratching his back nape

"okay" y/n says and leans back the wall

"do you ha—" subaru started but a voice cut him off

"SUBARU-KUN~" a girl with blonde hair yelled in the distance as she ran up to him "how are you hubby?"

Y/n snickers at the nickname as the woman now looks at her

"Hmmp, what are you laughing at? (hated nickname)"

"nothing! Oh and by the way that type of clothing aren't allowed"

"what are you a police? You're to ugly to be one"

"don't talk to her like that!" subaru yells as the woman cries

Y/n went over to the woman and put a hand on her shoulder and shows her wallet in front of the woman's face

"I am miss, now excuse yourself before I put you in jail" y/n said threateningly but smiling an 'innocent' smile

The woman got scared and ran away

Y/n looks at subaru who has a bright red face

"you okay? Your steaming" y/n ask worriedly

"i-i-im f-f-fine b-baka!" he said and looks away, subaru felt his pants vibrate and took out his phone and sighs "I gotta go, ukyo-nii needs me"

And then subaru kissed her cheek and ran away

Y/n stood there surprised and touch her cheek and sweatdrops

And a moment later Akira got back with the water while being chased by a dog yelling "I FUCKING SAW THAT FUCKING ASAHINA!!!"

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