How u met 💛

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He saw you in the line, you talked to him and took a picture. He thought you were so pretty that he wanted to talk to you more so he told you to meet him outside after the meet and greet which you did. You both met each other outside, talked and got to know each other. You swapped numbers and talked ever since.


You were sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean until someone came and sat beside you. You turned around and saw a guy. You thought he was pretty cute so you started talking to him. You both sat there as you got to know each other. He asked to swap numbers and you did and a few days later he asked you out on a date.


You were skating around the park when you tripped on a rock. You fell over and a curly haired guy came over to you and asked if you were ok and you said yeah, I'm fine. He helped you up and you both went for ice cream and talked and hung out the whole day.


He saw you on Instagram and thought you were really pretty so he went on your profile and found out you did youtube. He stalked your page for a few minutes and then dmed you cause he wanted to get to know you. You answered the dm and started texting him back. You guys then talked for the rest of the day getting to know each other.


You guys were in the same class but you never really talked to each other. That was until you were both paired up for a project for Geography. As you were doing the project you both got to know each other better and then you exchanged numbers and hung out ever since.

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