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Author's note: Hello... yeah, it's been a while. I lowkey forgot about this fic, so... for the few of you who read it, I apologize. Also, check out my Dear Evan Hansen fic coming soon!



"Hey there!"

Harry and Draco looked up from the menus at Nightingale Kitchen to see a young woman. At first, Harry figured she was their waitress, but then he realized she wasn't dressed like one. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, with a green khaki jacket over top. The jacket was covered in patches and pins, the largest a flag patch on her shoulder, three stripes - pink, purple, and blue.

"Can I help you?" Draco asked, keeping his hand on Harry's.

"My name's Liz, and my friends and I were wondering if you wanted to come to our party tomorrow night? It's to kick off Pride Week."

A table of young people waved at Draco and Harry from across the room. They both waved back, then turned to each other and locked eyes. 

"I'm in," Draco said, "but only if you are." Draco raised his eyebrows, waiting for Harry's decision.


"That's great!" Liz exclaimed. "So we'll start at my flat at about seven, then head to the parade at half eight. Here's the address." Liz handed Harry a paper with her flat number and street name written in spiky handwriting, and went back to her friends.

"So... Muggles," Draco whispered across the table, bicoloured eyes bright.

"You're the one who said you wanted to integrate," Harry teased, looking at the drink menu. "How d'you think she knew we were together?"

"We were holding hands," Draco said, "and she's obviously around people like us a lot. What do you think the flag on her jacket was?"

"Dunno," Harry mused, drumming his fingers on his knee. "It probably has something to do with Pride... the only one I know of is the rainbow."

"I like that one."


"Merge, Potter."

"I'm trying! This asshole won't let me in!"

"Merlin, do you want me to drive?"

Turned out driving was harder in a big city. Especially when Tower street had been blocked for the parade. Harry was trying to follow Liz's directions, but he kept getting turned around. This was as close to it as they had been for the entire hour they'd been driving.

"Wait! That's the street, isn't it?" Draco asked, pointing to a sign. Sure enough, the sign was for Mickelgate - and Liz's building stood on the corner.

"Hey, guys!" Liz opened the door and welcomed them inside. Her flat was stylishly arranged, and the furniture looked clean and new. People milled around with drinks in hand, and their outfits were bright and colourful.

"So I'll introduce you to some people." Liz led them over to the sofa where three others sat. Harry vaguely recognized them from the restaurant. "This is Charlie," she said, gesturing to a short girl who was currently draining her glass of whiskey.

"Hi," Charlie greeted once she finished her drink. She spoke with a thick Scottish accent. "Good to meet you. I'm Liz's girlfriend, by the way."

"I'm Draco, and this is Harry."

"The idiot with the rainbow pinwheel hat is Sam," Liz introduced, giving the young man's hat a spin. Sam wore a tank top with a blue stripe, a pink stripe, a white stripe, another pink, and another blue.

"And finally, Sam's boyfriend is Milo." Milo raised a hand in greeting, brown skin painted with rainbows and inked with tattoos.

"I'm sorry to ask," Harry interjected, "but what do all your flags and colours mean? We don't have those... where we're from."

"Oh, that's okay," Liz said, "we can tell you. So the one on Sam's shirt is the Transgender flag, it means he identifies as a gender other than what he was born with. The flag on my jacket is the bi flag."

Before Liz could explain more, loud music started in the street below. Colourful lights were cast on the surrounding buildings, and a cheer went up from the party.

"It's starting!" Charlie exclaimed, grabbing Liz's hand and making for the door. Liz grabbed Harry's, who grabbed Draco's, who took Sam's hand, and they all filed out the door in an unexpected line.

********_____________________________this is the starred line. do not read past here if you are triggered by the triggers mentioned at the top of the chapter___________________________________________________*******

The parade was loud and happy as they travelled through the city, the Muggles singing their hearts out to the music blasting from the largest float. Harry and Draco walked with Liz and her friends for a long time, smiling and drinking in Pride for the first time.

"Okay," Milo said after a while, "we're coming up on Bible alley. Watch out, and say nothing."

"Bible alley?" Draco asked, visibly confused. Harry was, too, but not as much. He had grown up with Muggles, after all, so he got the gist of what Milo meant, but Draco had clearly never heard of Muggle religion.

"A bunch of the local churches like to protest Pride at this part of the route," Sam explained, ceasing waving his flag. "They carry rude signs, yell hurtful shit, the usual homophobic stuff."

The mood dampened as the paradegoers looked at the angry mass of people, holding signs that made Harry's heart ache.





Harry felt Draco grab his hand, and he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Oi! Fuckin' homos, both of you!" A woman was yelling at Draco and Harry, and she threw a rotten tomato at them. It hit Harry's shirt, covering his chest in smelly red goop. Harry tried to ignore her.

"Did you hear me!?" The woman jumped the city-issued fence and followed behind Harry and Draco. "You need to repent. God hates you. You are going to Hell."

"Then I guess I'll see you there," Draco spat, rounding on the rude woman. "I have the right to kiss my fucking boyfriend if I want to."

"What does your boyfriend think of that?" another man said, joining in with the woman.

"I think," Harry began, raising his voice, "that I'm bisexual so I can do whatever, or whoever, I want!" On an impulse, Harry reached up to Draco and kissed him passionately. Liz, Sam, Charlie, and Milo cheered and whooped next to them, but were drowned out by the jeering and cussing of the homophobes.

They were broken apart by a punch to Harry's jaw. Harry stood up from the ground, holding his clearly broken chin as he watched his boyfriend and his new friends get beaten by people who were supposed to be older and wiser than them.

One man twisted Harry's arm behind his head, and he blacked out. His last thought was of Draco, who was currently exchanging hits with an enormous man in a SIN! jumper.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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