Sleepover and The Start of Something

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3rd POV

After the whole forest debacle, the five of them became very close, very fast. It was currently nearing the end of the school day, 7 days later, and the five of them were just about leave school.

Erma was very excited today for she had a plan. Her plan was to invite all her friends over to a sleepover to emphasize their friendship.

After the bell rang, Erma walked up to her friends (minus Y/n) to ask them the question.

Erma: "Hey guys, do you want to have a sleepover at my house?"

Terry: "Sorry I can't, I forgot to do my homework for the past few day and now I'm grounded for a week."

Amy: "I wish I could, but my mom and dad are taking me to this restaurant I've been wanting to try for so long, and we can't reschedule. Sorry."

Erma look downtrodden and looked towards Sylvia, wanting some good new, but...

Sylvia: "Sorry, I need to study for the Math test, Monday. My parents said if I fail another test, I'm going to be grounded until further notice."

Erma was heartbroken, her three closest friends can't make it and she hasn't seen Y/n since class. Even though she's sad, she gives them a smile of reassurance.

Erma: "It's okay, we can do it another day, see ya."

And with that Erma and friends go there separate ways. As Erma was walking to her home, she fail to realize someone walking up to her.

Y/n: "Hey Ghostly."

Erma: "......"

Y/n: "Erma?"

Erma: "............."

Y/n: *gets in front of her causing her to walk into him*

Y/n: "Erma what's wrong."

Erma: "... I wanted to throw a sleepover with everyone to celebrate us being friends, but they'll busy."

Y/n: "Well.... why can't it just be us."

Erma: "REALLY!!!! But I thought you would be busy?"

Y/n: "1: Never assume. Because it just makes an ass out u and me." This gets her to let out a little giggle. "And, 2: I was sent to this realm, by my parents, to learn how to interact with people normally and to make friends my own age. And while I only knew you guys for only a week, this week has made me feel the most like a child in a long time. You helped me feel like a kid, so please, let me help you."

Erma stood silent for a second before she started to hug Y/n.

Erma: "....Thank you."

Y/n: *hugs back with a smile* "Heh, that's what friends are for."

Erma then stopped hugging Y/n and grabbed his hand before literally dragging him to her house.

Y/n: (mind) *shocked* "She is much stronger than she looks."

~Timeskip to the house~

On the way to Erma's house, I telepathically told my mother and father that I was sleeping over at a friend's house. As I thought, both were ok with it but, my when my mother asked me if it was a boy or girl, to which I replied girl, she instantly began to tease me. So I severed the link with them and now had a small blush on my face, for some reason.

Once we made it to her home she opened the door and we went in. Once in, I finally saw her parents.

Sam (right) and Emiko (left) Williams

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Sam (right) and Emiko (left) Williams.

Erma: "Mom, Dad I'm home."

Sam: "Hey sweetie, how was school?"

Erma: "Okay."

Sam: *looks over to me* "Hey. Whose this?"

Erma: "Oh, *grabs your arm* this is my new friend, Y/n. He's going to sleep over here tonight."

Sam: "Whyyy?"

Erma: "Well...I originally wanted Terry, Amy and Sylvia to join as well, but they all were busy, but Y/n cheered me up and we decided it would just be us so, we could still strengthen our friendship."

Both of the parents held a blank face as they turned towards Y/n. This made the boy a little nervous although he didn't show it. After a few seconds (though to Y/n, hours), both of the parents smiled at the boy, allowing him to mentally breathe a sigh of relief.

Emiko: ".....That's nice of him."

Though her voice was soft and nice, it sent shivers down the boy's spine. Though out of fear, it was not what you might think. It just reminded him toooooo much like his mother, which did terrify him, for their own reasons.

Erma: "Ok, were going up to my  room. "

Sam: "Alright, just don't to stay up too late."

Erma: "We won't."

Spoiler alert: They did.

~Small Timeskip~

After setting up their beds (comforters), blankets, and pillows, started to play some games. Y/n even used his portals to grab his Nintendo Switch and controllers to play with. Although he did hear some strange sounds coming from his parents bedroom, but paid it no mind and went back to Erma's.

After playing a bit of Smash Ultimate, they both ended up having one stock, both at kill percent, with Erma playing Ridley and Y/n playing Hero. As a Hail Mary, Y/n decided to top-deck his spells (down B) and got Hocus Pocus. And got Kamikaze.

The two remained silent as the victory screen of Ridley digging (of what I assume the opponent's grave) before turning to look at the viewers.

A second passed, before the two of them burst into laughter.

Y/n: "I don't care what the screen says, I won..... my heart.

This just caused Erma to giggle at my response.

After catching our breaths, we decided to stop playing and instead watch some movies. Luckily, there was a horror movie marathon, as October was nearing, and by nearing I mean a month and a half away but whatever.


We just finished watching the remake of IT and I got to say......meh. I've seen stuff trillions of times scarier, have you met my mom when she's angry. *shivers* Anyways, while I wasn't feeling tired (because I don't need to sleep, though I can) I feel Erma shifting constantly, so i look over and see her trying to not to fall asleep (or just fall in general).

Y/n: "Tired?"

Erma: *yawns* ""

Y/n: "Your a terrible liar."

Erma's response was her falling forward before jolting up to avoid sleep.

Y/n sighed in frustration before gently pulling Erma into a hug. Before Erma can question him, he then started to soothingly rub her back. In a matter of a second, she was out like a light. As for Y/n, he just sat there. Once he knew she was asleep, he tried to move her off him. Though the second he tried to push her off, she just clung harder onto him. Not wanting to risk waking her up, he gave on moving her. He saw her smirk in her sleep before she went back to silently snoring. As Y/n continued to stare at her, he couldn't but admit she does look kinda cute. You may ask, "How does he see her if it is practically pitch black in her room?", simple, Night vision. As he continued to look at her, he saw her soft, pale skin and compared it to...........a marshmallow. He likes marshmallows. Coupled with her soft snores, he felt a bit serene. After a few more seconds, he realized he was about fall asleep. So he did after saying something first.

Y/n: ".........Goodnight, Erma."

And he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Thx for reading. Bye.

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