Chapter Twelve

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My instant thought on keeping her from falling was, "Why do we always bump into each other?". Just like the last time at the mall, she bumped right onto me and lost her momentum and just like the last time, I held her in my arms. She didn't open her eyes right away. I got a moment, just one moment to admire her closely, to wonder how beautiful she looked. But then, as soon as she saw me, she pushed me away from her. There was a look of confusion on her face initially, which turned into a frown as soon as she realized that, it was me who stood in front of her. I tried to speak first, but her serious friend Sameera got in the way, "Stop right there! How did you know that Anu was here? Are you some kind of a stalker? Leave right now or you won't like for us to call the police". And before I could say a word, she started again, "Don't you dare try to speak a word. You don't have any rights to intrude in our secret space like this. Are you even going to explain yourself or should I say more?". This girl was definitely mad. She doesn't want me to talk, yet she is asking me for an explanation. God knows how I can do both at the same time. I ignored her and focused on Ananya. All I wanted was to get a few minutes with her to talk, so I could convince her. But this Sameera kept blocking my way towards Anu. On a whim, I yelled at the her, "Will you please be quiet for a minute? I know it's tough for you but can you at least try? All I want is to talk with Ananya and then I will leave without a fuss. I was not stalking your friend. I got Shivani's number while we were at the hospital the other day, so I could later check on Ananya. And when I needed to talk with Ananya today, I wanted to know where she was and so I requested Shivani for her friend's location. I got to know that you guys were here and so came to talk with Anu. Now, can I go talk to her?". All the three girls were shell- shocked, and it was shocking for me too, when Sameera moved out of the way without a word. Thank the heavens! Finally!

Ananya was looking at me, with a hint of crease on the smooth skin of her forehead. Her softness was clearly visible in her eyes, but she tried so hard to look angry. If only she knew how cute she looked right now. I couldn't wait forever to speak with her, so I started, "Can we talk for a few minutes, alone?". She said, "No. There's nothing left to talk. Please leave". But I was not ready to lose without trying, "Please, Anaya. It's really important for me to talk with you right now. My life majorly depends on how it goes from here. If only you could spare a few minutes with me". I made an expectant face and waited for her response. She thought for a few seconds and then finally, she agreed.

Her friends gave us some privacy and went back inside the library. I had planned a whole speech so I could put forth to her whatever I had inside me, but on seeing her and being with her alone, my mind was not working straight. A strange nervousness passed through me and I just had to have a minute to get myself together. After a minute, I started talking, "So, the first thing I want to do is, apologize to you Ananya. I don't want to give any excuses for why I went along with my family's decision on rejecting you initially. We should have been more careful to check the zodiac and the other things before meeting up, but it was totally our fault. I should have informed you myself regarding the same, but that felt inappropriate at that time, since it was our families who communicated regarding the alliance. It had hurt you badly and you being mad at me for that is absolutely valid. But, I do have my excuses when I left you in the hospital room the other day. And it was definitely not because I had been insensitive about your feelings. I had to leave from there, because, I couldn't see you in that state and not comfort you. If I had been there for a few more seconds, I would have embraced you and consoled you with all my might, Anu". I took her hand in mine while I looked in her eyes and continued, "I didn't want to start something that I couldn't stop even if I tried. Before giving you any hope, I had to convince my parents about our marriage. That's the reason I left without saying anything. I spoke to my family, convinced everyone and I got my dad to your home. I just didn't expect things to go this way".

I watched her reaction to everything I just said. She seemed to process the information slowly, it was clearly visible how the wheels inside her head. Now, this was the last thing I had to say to prove her what she means to me and I was not going to let her walk away so easily, "Anu, you might think why I have this sudden yearning for you or for getting married to you. Believe it or not, I wanted to be with you right from the beginning. I even tried to convince my family that zodiac doesn't matter, since the first time itself. I couldn't get them to agree and so we had to stay away. Even when my parents started looking for other proposals, I didn't find in other girls what I liked in you, and that was very sick of me to look for you in someone else. But the second time life forced us to meet, I had to pursue you. I had to make my family agree. Only this time, I pushed them so hard, beyond my own comfort. I was hurt when you said you didn't want me that day. I didn't expect you to agree right away but I had my hopes that you would at least want to talk to me before deciding anything. But when you announced your decision, I felt the pain of rejection. I can't force you, Anu. I can only try from my side, to make you agree. But I just want you to know that, you mean a lot to me and I can't afford to let you get away, at least not without trying my best to keep you with me. Whatever I wanted to say, it's out now. It's upon you now, to re-think and let me know if your decision is still the same or if I get to be a part of your life and heart". It was me who poured it out all today and she was just soaking it all. "You don't have to tell me right away. Please take your time and think of this, of me. If you feel what I just said is true and makes any difference, please let me know. And if you don't want to ever see me again, then you can tell that too. I'd be glad to hear it from you, no matter what it is. I'm leaving you my number here. You can call me anytime and I'd come to hear you out". With that, I placed my card on her hand and started to leave.

When I tried to withdraw my hand from hers, she didn't let me go. And before I could understand what was happening, she said, "Let's get married". She still didn't look me in the eye while she spoke, but she also didn't let go of my hand. "Anu, can you say it again? This time look me in the eye while you say it. Please?". She slowly lifted her gaze and met with mine, all the while holding my hand and giving me a cute hint of a smile. "I said, 'Let's get married'. And if you ask again, I'm changing my decision", she looked away again. I couldn't quite contain my happiness from what she said and this was one of the best of best moments of my life. I flashed my teeth like a two year old kid and she started laughing on seeing my wide- mouthed smile.

While we stood there, hand- in- hand, eye to eye, we didn’t realize that we had an audience. Shivani and Sameera were at the door, watching us. Anu left my hand and moved away after she saw her friends and I was standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. While Shivani was seeing us with a happy face, Sameera's expressions were quite complicated. I couldn't quite figure out if she was angry or very angry. I knew I had them all suffered at some point and it was time for me to apologize to them as well. So I called them as well and they came and stood near Anu. Now that they were together in front of me, I went down on my knee. The two of them gasped at this sudden action of mine and before they could think further, I spoke, "Girls, I know I have made you angry because of my actions and I also know that you guys love and protect Anu with your own life. But now that Anu has forgiven me, I want you guys to forgive me as well. I'm asking you both to give your friend's hand in mine, so I could keep her happy and loved, forever". I took out the two bracelets I bought for them and asked, "Will you guys please let Anu marry me?". They were both shocked and surprised at my gesture. Shivani had tears in her eyes while Sameera couldn't get the shock away from her face. Anu was extremely happy that I wanted their friend's approval too, since she started crying and laughing at the same time. The girls eventually took the bracelet from me and smiled at me. It was their approval, I deduced. Now that the girls were on my side, I turned my attention to Ananya. Even though she already informed me her decision, I still wanted to make it official with a proposal. So I took the moon- shaped ring that I had got for her and went down on my knee again, "Ananya, will you marry me?".

And her answer was, finally, "Yes!!!!"

** Stay tuned for the next chapter **

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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