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"Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out."


This is it.

The moment I've been waiting for my entire 17 years. Well most of it any ways. The moment where I get to prove that all I've been practicing for, has been worth it all.

The girl before has already made it to the bridge of her song. I have little time left. I can feel the energy and nervousness building up in me all at once. I take in that time to peek at the judges.There was three in total, and I would be lying if I said they weren't intimidating. They showed little to no emotion, glancing down at their notebooks periodically. I pulled back gathering my thoughts together.

Get a grip Rhea. You've dreamt of this your entire life, now stop acting like your going to give birth and man up.

The music track slowed down to a stop. Notifying me that it was time. All the feelings suddenly came rushing back all at once and it took me all I had not to clutch my stomach.

"Thank you, we will notify you your results," the sharp bark of one of the judges spoke "Rhea Martin." At the he sound of my name I almost died. Step after step I made it onto the stage, the bright lights pointed at me, and only me. The judges stare at me as if they were judging my soul, not my voice.

The music starts. And I forget everything as the first note begins. Everything inside of me pours out.

Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside or turned

Into your own all cause you won't Listen

It feels like it's just me in the room, the nervousness and butterflies all long gone. Instead replaced with a raw emotion I can't explain. It's just me and my voice.

The song abruptly comes to an halt. I'm shaken from my state. I peer into the judges station where they're whispering amongst each other. My heart jumps into my throat. My breath is coming out shaky. Finally they look up at me. Almost sympathetic.

"Rhea, you do have an amazing voice, that is obvious. Unfortunately your appearance isn't exactly up to the standards of what we're looking for. I'm sorry." The judge spoke.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't even move. Everything all came crashing down at once. I felt... numb.

I didn't remember coming off the stage, or being driven home, or even being set in bed. All I felt was numb, empty and hallow. All because I didn't look good enough.

A/N: Well there it is. Oh god I really hope this story is good so far, and I hope your enjoying it. Please leave a comment, or any constructive criticism that you think will make this book even better. Thanks!!

Struggling to be beautiful (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now