Chapter 2

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      I instantly hugged her. "Mama, how long has been since I've been gone?" I asked her releasing her from my tight squeeze. She answered,"3 months, we all thought you'd be here at Madison's party, but, when Booger Poo Poo Head saw an animatronic that looked like you, she ran straight to it, but the animatronic looked at her, and asked her if she knew you," I then replied, "can you bring me to Booger Poopoo Head?" She nodded, and brought me out of the hallway, into the party room. Everyone looked at me. And I saw Booger PooPoo Head run up to me. I kneeled down to her, and hugged her tight. When I let go, I asked her, "Where's the other Katie?" She pointed to a door with a microphone on it saying 'Kid's Cove'. I walked up to it, and heard the song 'If You're Happy and You Know It' I saw that the kid's faces were bored out of their minds, so I said, "H-hey k-kid's?! D-do you w-wanna hear a song?!" They all said, "YEAH!!!" So, I went on stage and, KK attacked me. "This is MY show! Not yours!" KK said. I kicked up my legs and took my teeth and extended nails and shredded her metal, instead of fur like me, and took out her voice box. "Got it!" I shouted. And before KK could do anything, I ripped her apart, piece by piece. "Be right back kids!" I said. I saw their terrified faces, and rushed to put back the piece in my voice box. I saw some sparks coming from KK, so I took her parts, and put them in a large bucket saying 'Parts'. When I got on stage, I heard a chime, and saw all the kids moaning and saying,"I don't want to go to sleep!" I knew what would put them out right when I thought of the night I sang to Presly. "Hey kids, want to hear a lullaby?!" I asked them. "They said,"YEAH!" I took the microphone from KK, and sang:

    When I saw them, they were all sleeping. I looked back at the door, and saw Trash, BB, JJ, Mama, and Booger PooPoo Head. They all looked dazed. Then, I saw the bucket of parts. I took it, and went to them. I took Trash with me, and went back to the hallway. "Wait! What did you do to KK?!" JJ yelled from the hallway. "Sorry, but these aren't her original parts. They're mine," I yelled back. Then, I went back to the room. And I saw Withered Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy in the corner talking. I put the bucket in another corner and walked back to the corner Trash and me were in. And then Freddy turned to me and said,"you're back, and with parts," then I said,"Yeah, I took my parts back from me," then he looked like he was making a smile. "Perfect... " He said.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: Did- Did she just-

She really killed her to fix Cassie, huh. Wow, yandere much?

Oh also, the song she sang was "Children of the Night" and in the original story, the link was given to the music video. Honestly, I'm hoping this will be the last time she sings that ding dang song

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