Chapter 9 - Too Afraid To Tell You

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Myeong Jo just finished taking a shower. She was wiping her face with a towel. Standing in front of the mirror, she wiped the fog away. She looked at herself for a while.

Only thinking of their beautiful kiss. Her heart fluttered just by recalling it. She saw herself getting red so she slapped herself. She was overreacting. That was just a lovely kiss. Well, her first ever kiss so it was bound to be special to her.

Suddenly her smile dropped. The truth that she was keeping it as a secret; she suddenly recalled it. Her heart began aching slightly. Sometimes the truth is so hard for us to accept that we do other things to forget it. But eventually, it haunts us down till the end.

She lowered the towel that she was wearing down a little, showing the mirror her full back. She said to herself, "Only if you were there." She really hoped the scar was there. Really from the bottom of her heart, she wanted that scar on her back. But it was clearly empty.

Her heart twisted in pain that she had to leave this universe. She had to leave him. She had to leave the one person of her whole life she wished for each night.

Before she could know it, tears were gathered in her eyes. Her lips  trembled and her voice dried.

Days were passing fast. She didn't have much time time left. Jimin wasn't even aware of this incident.

She walked to her dressing table after wearing clothes. She sat on the chair and lowered her head down.

She slowly raised her head to look at herself in the reflection.

"Same body, same face, same voice, same personality, same skills yet not the same one." she mumbled.

"Why can't I be her? Why can't I be his wife? I have everything of hers! Just why? She deserved him so I deserve him too! Not for 149 days! Forever! I wished for him my whole life, without missing a single night, trying every single way. Then why? Why am I being punished like this?" she broke into tears.

"I love him so much! I love him like crazy! I want to spend every second on the clock with him. I want to watch the sun rising and going down with him. I want to observe the moon shining with all the stars in the infinite dark sky. I want to have a happy family with children with him. I want to do everything with him! Why can't I? I deserve these too!"

Her voice was breaking down.

"How will I live after leaving him?"

Suddenly the door knocked. Myeong Jo wiped her eyes with a tissue quickly and cleared her throat. "Come In."

The love of her life, Jimin entered with a smile. He walked over to her and hugged her from the back.

"Took a shower?" He asked, sniffing her hair.

She nodded.

He let her go and sat on his knees beside her, turning the chair towards him. She was facing him, looking down at him.

"I have a surprise for my Jagi!" he smiled with his eyes.

A moment ago, she was crying and now she again felt that special feeling. Her heart told her to smile.

"Close your eyes, first."

Myeong Jo closed her eyes, her fists clenching together.

He took her left hand in his and put something on her finger. She opened her eyes and saw a crystal ring.

That's when she felt more pain instead of happiness. This was too much for her! She can't leave him. She can't go back to her cruel universe, leaving him. Instead of smiling, her eyes unknowingly dropped water.

149 DAYS : STILL NEVER YOURS [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now