Chapter 2: Going Home (#notsponsored by Monster Donuts)

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I sighed. No matter how many times I asked, Chaos just wouldn't stop calling me Phoenix. I personally think that Percy or even Perseus is a much better name, but Chaos is very insistent. So here I am, 1000 years later, still being called Phoenix. Well, Chaos years. But whatever.

"Phoenix? Can you hear me?" Chaos's voice rang through the halls.

It was slightly getting on my nerves. So, I did what I had always done when someone got me annoyed. I sassed. (Just slightly, don't worry) "Hm... I'm pretty sure he can't hear you. After all, you still can't seem to get his name right. It's Percy, not Phoenix. Say it with me now, Per-cy. Not that hard, right? Even Order can manage it, and she's been gone for about a century."

When I heard a grumble echoing in the room, I knew that Chaos was probably pissed off. "Just, please, Phoenix, or Percy, whatever. I need to talk to you."

I slowly dragged myself over to the great hall. Sure, I could teleport if I wanted now, but I liked annoying Chaos a little too much to even bother. "So, what's goin- wait..." I spotted a big bucket of donuts resting on the throne. "Are those donuts?"

"Yup," Chaos replied as he ate away at the 20-count bucket. "Want some?" He offered them to me.

Squinting, I caught a glimpse of the label. Monster Donuts. Immediately, I shrunk back.

"What's wrong? Don't like sugar-coated? I can get you some chocolate ones if you want."

"Um... no thank you. I'm good. Really. I've had... my fair share of experiences with Monster Donuts."

Chaos laughed, then proceeded to eat his donut. "Suits yourself then."

"So what exactly did you call me here for?" Even if I was the Phoenix or whatever, my ADHD was still horrible. The only real thing that improved was my dyslexia.

"You're going back to Earth." Chaos just tossed that out nonchalantly as if it didn't really matter.

"Really?" My eyes wide with excitement. You might be wondering, but Percy, how come you didn't just go to earth like, as soon as you got a hold of your powers? Well, to answer your all so pressing question, Chaos. He said that my job now was to balance the universe, whether it was off fighting a war on a different planet, or training with Chaos. So, you can probably tell why I'm so excited to go back to Earth. "When do we go?" I asked, trying to hide my joy.

Putting up a hand, Chaos started talking. "You leave as soon as possible. But first, I must warn you about the enemy."

"Of course."

"This enemy is End. He is another powerful being, in line with Order and I. However, we cannot vanquish him by ourselves, because the balance of End is Beginnings, which sprout from the combined powers of Order and I. The campers and gods stand no chance against him."

At that point, I got the message. "So I'm going back so that I can help defeat End. Great. Just when I thought I'd get some vacation."

"One more thing," Chaos added, "Please don't reveal that you are Percy Jackson. We need to confuse End as much as possible. Since your appearance has changed quite a lot, I don't think anyone will recognize you. However, I would feel safer if you had on a cloak and hood."

Rolling my eyes, I flashed out to go grab a cloak. Yup, Chaos acts like such a dad sometimes. Quickly flashing back, I saw Chaos standing next to a portal. The primordial council had also gathered around the portal.

"Ready to go?" Chaos asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Stay safe Percy! Don't die." That came from Gaea. I know. Yes, as in Gaea, the one that kind of killed me, but we got over the little misunderstanding and now we're pretty much siblings, as well the rest of the council. Plus, I'd probably try to kill someone who in turn killed one of my children. Just saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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To Rise from the Ashes of Chaos [A PJO Fanfiction] (On a very long HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now