12:00 p.m.

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I walked inside school with a blank expression on my face. My bag which was closely by my side, had various objects such as: pencils, notebooks, textbooks, and my personal belongings; were clattering around while I walked.

While walking past the different clique of groups and  teachers who were talking about various of things; probably students though. I went through the halls that contained all the latest newest gossip, from our personal school girls who brought them and went directly inside my classroom. I held the door open with my foot and leaned against the wall, waiting for people to enter.

As I was waiting, I scanned around the halls  and saw various groups of people entering into the classroom. Some were dressed nicely, others weren't. Some were considered 'popular' while other's weren't. Then after a few seconds, the bell rang and I could see some students still pushing through the door; some mumbling a "Thanks." to me; others just ignoring me and pushing through to talk to their friends or to do their late homework.

I waited for a few seconds then scanned the halls again to see if anyone else, were going to enter. After a few minutes of checking, it seemed like nobody else was going to show up except for the teacher. Soon the teacher entered inside the classroom and he gave me a simple smile, to resemble a small thank you. I nodded my head and walked over to my seat, after I closed the door behind me.

I sat myself in the middle near the closet window, which was right near the book shelves. I carefully placed my bag on the other seat next to me and pulled out some paper and a pencil. I laid my chin on the palm of my hand and stared above at the chalkboard, which had some sentences written on.

I could hear some of the people around me talking about various of things while the teacher continued to write on the board. Soon the teacher's loud voice interrupted all conversations that were held before.

"Hello class. Today we're going to be learning about the wars that are happening around us." He cheerfully explained.

Some people were chattering excitedly about the topic, while others were groaning. However, I simply just nodded my head to the topic. I didn't really have an interest nor a dislike to the topic, it just was a topic to me.

"However, before we can begin, does anyone know what's been happening around us?" He asked, everyone in the classroom. Nobody raised their hands until I looked over the room to find a certain student, raising his hand shyly.

It was Haru Karachi,  a transfer student who transferred over from Japan a few months ago. I haven't quite taken the time to communicate with him, but based on some observation of his body language; he's quite shy. Anyways, he was fumbling with his thumbs and then looking up and down at the teacher.

"T-The Ukraine War?" He asked, with a bit of a Japanese accent. The teacher simply nodded his head and gave Haru a simple smile.

"Correct Haru, the Ukraine War is one of the wars currently on board in today's generation. Does anyone else know about any other wars?" He proceed. Once again, nobody raised their hands until a certain giant redhead rose out of her seat and stood proudly.

I think her name was Courtney, but then again I rarely spoke with her before. I believe I only spoke to her once, and that was for clarification on a certain math problem. Based on her body language, she has high ego and pride in herself, and she likes showing it off to others.

Anyways, she held her palms on her hips and smile wider than the Cheshire cat himself. Her eyes were lit up as her loud southern voice echoed through the classroom.

"Well my pa told me one evening, that we were having an oil price war going on. What do you have to say about that teacher?" She proudly stated, and then grinned ever so wider than before. However, the teacher just looked at her and held a confused smile on his face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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