bad boy-Abel Teller-

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I had always been Abel Tellers girl even if we weren't a couple the club knew that, hell the whole town of Charming knew it, i had his back and he had mine, it had been that way since middle school. Being friends with him of course meant being associated with Samcro which many people in town didn't approve of but never did i hesitate to put them in their place, to stick up for Able and the club, my mother was not immune to my loyalty to the club which started many a fight between the two of us. She had never been keen on my friendship with the "Teller boy" said he was trouble riding around on his Harley wearing his kutte so proudly, running around with a bunch of criminals and gang members, it drove me crazy the way she spoke of him. I knew the risks of being so involved with the club both emotionally and physically but that hadn't stopped me yet. I had found a second family within the club who had welcomed me in even though i was an outsider i knew all of them were there if i needed them vise versa they knew i would do whatever needed for them.

(flashback, middle school)

Pulling the covers further up my body i repositioned the phone against my ear so i was more comfortable but still had a good view of the door across the room.

"why do you insist on calling me on school nights are you trying to push it with my mom?" I spoke into the phone trying to keep my voice at a level that wouldn't alert my mother to what i was doing.

"you know you love my phone calls and the only way it'd be a problem is if you let your mom catch you" he teased back his way of telling me to lighten up, although i wasn't very good at it i knew one of us had to at least try to keep our asses out of trouble.

"while i love to hear your voice was there a reason you called?" i rolled my eyes not attempting to keep the smile off my face as I heard him chuckle on the other end of the line.

" well since you want to have an attitude i won't tell you" he shot back but my attention shifted away from the phone as i heard foot steps coming up the hall.

"moms coming see you in the morning" i rushed out hanging up before he could respond, sliding my phone under my pillow and trying to make it look like i was sleeping, listening as the door handle turned opening the door.

"y/f/n y/l/n i know who you were talking to and you know how i feel about him"

(flashback, high school)

"isn't it past your bed time Teller" i smiled at my own joke as i picked up his routine late night call.

"ha ha you'd never tell on me anyways so i don't see a problem"he retaliated keeping up the joke

"can i help you?" i shot back sarcastically trying to seem as though i didn't want to be on call with him.

"hmm no but if you keep mouthing off to me like that then it might just slip my mind for me to come pick you up for school tomorrow"

"you wouldn't"

"is it worth walking tomorrow to test the theory"

"alright whatever I'll see you in the morning yeah?" i asked trying to make sure i did still have my usual ride to school.

"of course"

I was woke up by a very voices in the living room but I was conscious enough to register what it was, tucking my hair behind my ear to get it out of my face I leaned over to check the time. I panic seeing the time, i had fallen asleep with Abel on the phone last night and my phone must have died meaning my alarm didn't go off. Jumping up i was quick to brush my teeth and tame my hair to a point i could leave the house, rushing to my closet i pulled out jeans and a random band tee i threw the shirt on my bed my pj bottoms following. I heard my door open and looked up to see Abel standing in the doorway and cursed at his horrible timing, i was standing in my room in my underwear and a large Samcro tee shirt.

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