Prologue: The Runaway Bride

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  • Dedicated to All My Supportive and Beautiful Padawans <3

New story????


Yep. Can't help it man. It's the mojo juice making me have some new ideas \m/

Anyway, here's the first look to Chasing Molly. Hope you guys like and enjoy it.

"So I will run away, 

And get out of this town in hope I never see your face, 

And I'll take back my heart 

And rid my life of you so that my life can finally start"


Chasing Molly.

Prologue: The Runaway Bride

          I never thought I would come to the day of my wedding. 

It felt strange looking at my reflection with a huge grin. I could hear my mother behind me crying softly along with my soon to be mother-in-law. I could feel the tears prickling at the edges of my eyes but I blinked them away furiously. I didn’t want to ruin my make-up or else my mother would lecture me again. I smoothed out the beautiful gown. It was beautiful and simple. I never liked to be outrageous and be the center of attention although it was my wedding. It wasn’t me and to come across this gown that fits me perfectly, I couldn’t have asked for more. It was a lace gown with long sleeves and a deep V in the back just a few inches above my waist. 

The dress hugged my body almost amazing me that I had curves since I always wore loose blouses and jeans - sometimes dresses if I had the need to wear it. I wasn’t a girl who loves to dress up. I liked to get dirty and not be disgusted to have dirt under my nails or mud on my face. Ever since I got a job at PAWS after a few years of volunteering, I never had the need to wear huge amount of make-up and flamboyant clothing to grab attention. Only for my fiancée would I dress up. 

Flor Aisling, my soon-to-be wife.

That made my grin grow wider. I felt giddy to finally call her my wife. After five years of dating, I had always had the same feeling. I suppose it was my love for her that made me feel this way. The pterodactyls flying about in my stomach, the tingles shooting up from my fingertips, and my heart tattooing itself against my chest - it was all the same. And to realize that we would begin a new chapter with our lives felt…exhilarating. I don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt to be Mrs. Sage Aisling. I think I knew I would marry Flor when we first met in our first semester of college in Davis. She was indecisive of what she wanted to study in while my mind was set on studying Animal Science. 

I would never have thought that the same eighteen year old girl with a few tattoos, always wearing band shirts, various hairstyles, and that infamous septum piercing would be the girl that would capture my heart entirely. But here we are about to get married in front of our families and close friends. 

“Oh, my sweet baby,” I heard my mother cooing behind me. “You’re so beautiful, Sage.”

I gushed, “Thanks, Mom.”

I watched her from the mirror as she came to me, fixing the veil before brushing my blonde curls over my shoulder. “Your father and I are proud of you, baby. This means as much as it means to you.”

I turned towards my mother who started to cry again. Her five-foot frame curled up a little, fighting the urge to throw her arms around me. She didn’t want to ruin my dress with her tears but I didn’t care as I brought her in for a hug, kissing her head. 

“Your dress, Sage!” She scolded, slapping my bottom. “You did not waste a grand for this dress only to ruin it.”

I rolled my eyes at her, “Mom, it’s only a dress. I could marry in anything but I wanted to go dress shopping with you knowing how much you would enjoy it.”

“Oh, Sage, you know how to make your mother’s day,” she grinned, kissing my cheek. “Now, are you ready?”

I nodded vigorously. “I’ve been waiting my whole life.”

We both grinned at each other and I couldn’t care less if a few tears fell. My mother always wanted to see me get married to whoever I loved. She was always supportive along with my father. When I brought Flor to meet them, they fell in love with her the moment they saw her. My father had told me soon after that they didn’t love Flor because she made me happy, they loved her because he saw how much she loved me. Who could deny such strong love? 

Mary, Flor’s mother, soon joined us, cupping my cheek, “Thank you, Sage. Thank you for loving my daughter.”

I kissed her forehead, my heart melting. “I will always love your daughter.”

I don’t think this day could get any better…nor did I think it could get worse.

I was beyond happy this morning when I woke up in my old room in my parents’ house since my parents as well as Flor’s mother decided to put their foot down and demand us not to see each other the night before our wedding. Flor stayed in our apartment we both lived in while I stayed with my parents. The whole day was a blur only to come to this point just a breath away from saying ‘I do’. It was all surreal but I suppose my fairytale wasn’t meant to be.

I was too consumed in the illusion of having my happily-ever-after that I didn’t see it coming. It blind sided me. Just when I was having my mother and Mary lead me outside the doors to the ceremony did I finally see it. My father along with my brother angrily approached us looking as if they saw their favorite team lose in the Super Bowl due to corrupted referees. My father was clutching a paper in his hand, his face beet red as he approached us, ignoring my mother who asked him if everything was okay.

He suddenly pointed a finger at Mary who cowered back from his intimidating form. “Did you know about this?!”

Mary trembled, “About what?”

My dad growled, thrusting the crumpled paper at her, “What a sad excuse of a daughter you have!”

“Dad?!” I cried out, clutching his shoulders. “Why would you say that?”

His brown eyes swiveled to me and all that anger he directed towards Mary evaporated when our eyes met. Pain and sadness were etched on his face. “I’m sorry, Sage-Bear.”

“What happened? Is everything okay? Is Flor okay? Tell me!”

I don’t think I wanted him to tell me. I regretted the moment I said yes to Flor’s proposal if I knew this would happen. 

“I’m sorry, Sage,” my brother, Darren, bowed his head in disappointment. 

“What’s going on?! Someone please tell me!” I looked at all of them who continued to stay silent until I heard Mary let out a sob. “Mary, what happened? Please tell me.”

She continued to sob as she handed me the crumbled paper.

With a trembling hand I took it and opened it only to have my heart plummet to the ground. 

It was only two words.

No explanation at all.

Nothing to stop me from wondering what I did wrong to this point.

Nothing to stop the tears from falling.

Nothing but the beginning of my hatred for Flor Aisling.

           I’m Sorry.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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