& We playback the same shit that got us like this in our head at least 1000 times a day
A broken memory that won't go forward nor back
But just constantly reminding me why I'm like this
Couldn't tell you the last time I really believed in someone
& it just harder by the day to really think you could have someone
Just to really care
& yet your mind can't even get past the one point the heart holds so dearly In hurt & suffering something
Your "love" could never forget
& for every person
For every wave in your ocean
For every drop there's a ripple to remind you that you couldn't love the same
To the point where believing in not believing becomes the simplest peace in being "Happy"
With every wave there's a riptide
Stronger then your simple mean in a galaxy of thoughts you can't forget
A point in which you feel like you couldn't get passed it
But after the riptide there's always another wave
A wave to get you closer to where you wanna be...
Your heart
Your Love
Your state of mind
Your pure salvation
With every riptide pulling you in there's a stronger wave pushing closer to where you wanna be nobodies nothing...You just gotta help yourself get there
"& I know somebody loves my ass because they help me beat my demons ass" - Chance The Rapper x Everybody's something