Did He Ever Care?

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Chloe felt... empty. That's the one word she could use to describe what she was feeling after he left her, again. He had left her before and come back, sure. But there was an air of finality this time; she knew it because she had finally said the words that she knows deep down he had ALWAYS wanted to hear from her. She had finally made up her mind, tamed her fears, accepted ALL of him, she had said " I love you", but he did not say it back. And still left. 

She had seen something in his eyes when she said it but she was not sure it was love. She wished with all her heart it was, but she could not say she was sure. And now that she thinks about it, maybe this had been his plan all along. Make her fall for him and then leave her wondering if everything had been a dream or misconception from her. 

Was it all a lie? Was it a lie that she was his first love? That it had always been her? If she was, why did he leave? Why didn't he say he would come back for her? To be with her?

One thing she's sure of. If she could turn back time, she would have not said those words. The 3 words that bound her to him, forever.  

This is them trying. (Set after S4 finale) #Lucifer #DeckerStarWhere stories live. Discover now