Chapter 2: The Fight and the Running

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Love and War

Chapter 2: The Fight, and the Running

(The boys are in Chapter 3)

My Aunts P.O.V.

This is the worst choice I have ever made in my life. Taking care of a teenaged girl is alot more work then what I realized! All she's done for the past year is wine and complain about her parents. I mea c'mon! it was a year ago get over it! she gives me such a headache. "Aunt Claire, can I please go o

ver to Paige's house to finish a biology project? we're really behind." she asked me. "No you can't because all you gave done this past year is complain and cry. It's your own fault your grades are dropping." "But I really-" "No buts! did you seriously just talk back to me?!" I swung my arm back to give her a nice bloody hard smack across the face.

Alexis' P.O.V.

I just stood there with the blood gushing out of the corner of my mouth. After about ten seconds of just standing there in shock with my mouth partly open and eyes wide, like a dear in the headlights. This obviously was not the first time she had hit me considering I had many bruises cross my entire body.Along with many cuts, I miss my parents so much, I'd do anything to have them back, I finally came out of shock and just had enough. "Why? why aunt Claire? why do you hit me all the time?! stop it! I've had enough!" I screamed at her with such strong anger. Not realizing what I was doing, I punched her right in the jaw. After a couple of seconds I realized what I have done and I just ran, I ran so fast and with such fear of what was going to happen next. I ran right out of the front door and down the street with only one street light. "Alexis you get your ass back down here!" My aunt screamed. I didnt go back. It was dark and down pouring in ran and I was freezing. I couldnt go to Ashley's thats the first place she'll look. I took one quick stop to let Ashley know what I was doing. "Alexis, no you can't. I won't let you its too dangerous!" She said "I have too! I can't be here much longer she'll come find me and things will get worse." Paige's face was just drowning in tears. She gave me $50.00 and a hug goodbye. "Please call me if you need anything, they're are plenty of public phones out there." She said very worried. "I will, I promise." We gave each other one last hug. I took one last look at her bedroom, she had posters all over her walls with some British boy band it had five boys in it. I'll admit they're pretty good looking if you ask me. She would always go crazy over them and I never really understood what the big idea was. I thought the curly haired one was kinda cute. We had our last goodbyes and I ran off. I just kept running, I wasn't sure where I was going but I had to get out of here as fast as possible. Within a couple of hours I was finally two towns over. I got really tired and stopping running for the night, I slept in a corner of a park where hopefully no one could find me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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