Chapter One: Secrets

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Tony Stark sat at his desk, the usual Monday morning. He looked around his office. The giant wooden doors, the sculpture of his dad's creation of a new element, and other important things scattered around the room. Pepper called the scattered objects "useless" and Tony hated that word. He all knew that they all could be used for something. Nothing to Tony is considered useless, unless he thinks it is. He was looking at the computer when a file popped up on his screen. It said:

To: Mr. Anthony Stark

From: Government

Reason/Purpose: Iron Man Suits

"This is going to be great..." He muttered and opened the file.

It was the same subject every time. The government wanted the suits and Tony wouldn't give them up. It always stated that they thought Tony Stark was not able to control the whole world's safety by himself. But that was not true. Tony always had Rhodey to back him up. Tony had made a special suit for him, in case he got in a bad situation and Rhodey needed to help. Rhodey, more known as Rhodes, named this suit War Machine. He wanted it to sound frightening. Tony attached big guns to the shoulders, and made it more durable. Tony's new suit the Mark VII was perfect. It could withstand a lot of pressure, and he upgraded the ammunition. It would take a lot more than some bomb to wreck this suit.

Tony was in the middle of thinking when Pepper Potts, his personal assistant, walked into his office. She was in a tight black dress, with 6 inch heels on. He tried not to stare as he walked up to his wooden desk.

"Mr. Stark." She said waltzing up.

"Yes?" He picked his papers up from his desk and started to make a pile of them trying not to look at her.

"S.H.E.I.L.D and Director Fury wish to speak with you." She told him in a business sounding voice.

"Damn." He swore. "Give me ten minutes." He shouted as he ran out of the office and to his Porsche. He glanced at his license plate and smiled. It said Stark5. He had named all of his cars with his last name. He made each one of the cars, or at least changed something on it to make it Stark worthy. He got in and started it up and drove away.

Back in the office, Pepper walked up to Tony's computer and looked at the file he didn't close out of. She had no idea what this "Iron Man" thing was. She thought that it was just a missile he was creating and he liked that name. She took no notice of it and closed out of the file and shut down his computer. Her phone blackberry rang in her pocket, so she took it out and pressed it to her ear.

"Hello?" The voice on the other line said.

"Director Fury? Is that you?" Pepper asked the man.

"The one and only." Fury let out a small manly chuckle.

"Tony said he will meet with you in ten minutes. Personally I don't know what he is doing." Pepper said trying to think of what he was up too.

"Alright. Tell him to meet me at the Stark Expo in ten." He said and hung up.

"Thanks..." She muttered even though Fury had hung up.

Tony was speeding to get home to his penthouse. He needed to change the palladium in his arc reactor, and fast.

"Damn thing." He coughed as he sped up.

He finally reached the house and he limped to his desk. He ripped the drawer open and found the little wooden box he was looking for. He carefully took out a piece of palladium as he took off his shirt. His muscles ripped as he moved around. He took one hand and with a lot of skill, took out his arc reactor. It lit up a little brighter and opened up to reveal a burning piece of old palladium. He took the old out and threw it in the garbage can on the side of his metal desk. He tried to keep his breath steady as he stuck in the new piece of palladium, and went to stick the arc reactor back into its socket. Right as he was going to stick it in, Pepper walked to the door. He panicked and threw the arc reactor into the drawer. He threw on his shirt before he unlocked the door for Pepper to walk in.

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