Chapter 2: The Truth

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Pepper woke up with a gasp noticing she was lying on Tony's chest. She let out a small smile. Although, she was sad he didn't know she had a huge crush on him. She laid there on Tony's warm chest, falling and rising with his deep breaths. She matched her breathing with his trying not to wake him up. She had been waiting for a moment like this. She still was a little mad though. She didn't understand why Tony had kept this huge secret hidden from her. She guessed he had had his reasons why. Tony always had a reason for what he did. Tony peeked at Pepper through a slit eye. He let out a small chuckle. He had noticed finally how she cared for him. He never noticed it before now. He kind of liked the feeling that someone liked him, for him. Not for the Tony Stark that was rich and famous playboy. He saw her breathing had changed and he knew she was awake.

"Good morning, Ms. Potts." He chuckled groggily from just waking up.

She gasped and sat up in a second. She knew it probably made him uncomfortable, for her to be lying on his chest.

"Good morning, Mr. Stark." She said blushing a little.

"What's wrong Pepper? Why did you get up?" He said and then his sparkle in his eyes died down. She stared at him. She loved that glimmer in his eyes. That was what made him Tony Stark.

"Nothing's wrong at all. But I am the one who should be asking you what's wrong." She said and put a hand on his leg.

"Nothing is. I wanted to stay like that. It made me happy, but are you mad about the arc reactor?" He said looking up to her with his puppy dog eyes.

She let out a long sigh.

"I am not happy you lied to me, but I am glad you're alright, Tony." She said using his first name. She didn't often use his first name. She usually called him Mr. Stark.

He sat up so he was inches from her face. He let out a small grin.

"So, now I told you what was troubling me, so now you get to share?" He smirked as she pushed his chest gently so he fell back onto the arm of the sofa.

She glanced at his dark brown eyes.

"I want to know something, but you have to be completely honest with me." She said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Er, I'm not so sure I can do that…" He said trailing off.

"Why? What can't you tell me Tony?" She asked her voice rising up a little.

He let out a small wince as she started to get mad. He didn't like mad Pepper. She scared him more than the super villains he fought in the suit.

"Fine, but you asked for it." He said as he got up from the couch, still shirtless. Pepper looked at him admiring his body. He is in serious shape. She blushed a little as he stuck out his hand to help her up. She took it and he pulled her up with little effort. He let out a long sigh and started to walk down the stairs. As he reached the bottom, he walked to the doorway. He punched in his code to open the door. He glanced at her blue eyes, as she looked around. She had been down here multiple times, but this time she knew she would figure something out. He started to walk to his desk, and for the first time she noticed he was limped slightly. She ran up and put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. He turned around to look at her.

"Why are you limping, Tony?" She asked looking worried.

He coughed a couple of times.

"I need to get to my desk." He wheezed.

She helped him to his desk and he opened the first middle drawer. He pulled out the little box she had placed her hands on yesterday. It was little and wooden with a ton of carvings on its cover. She wondered what it was and remembered the odd metal things in it. He opened it and pulled out a piece of the metal.

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