1. Nice to meet you

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The first step in telling you about me? My brothers and my cousins. My Guys.

In order of birth:
Lucas then ten days later, Riley. Ten months later is Caleb, soon followed by Gabriel who comes nearly two months hence. Austin was born three months before Eaton who was born four minutes before me.

That puts Luke, Ry, and Cale about to start their senior year while Gabe, Austin, Eaton and I are juniors.

Now that you know a little about us, let's start the story where things get interesting.

•••••••••••Never fall in love••••••••••••

"Okay boys you know the drill. New school, new count, new prey. As always these points will be marked with the rest on the score board." I took a deep breath, full of anticipation and spark excitement electrifying my veins.

One by one we all met one another's eye and as one we embraced the spirit of the game and the thrill of the hunt.

The rules are as follows;
Rule one: Never ever fall in love.
Rule two: Never use the 'L-word' to close a mark.
Rule three: Virgins must be considered by the full Senior Brotherhood
Rule four: Use any tricks you may have up your sleeve, but know what's too far.
Rule five: The Game isn't over until the Mark has said 'I love you' or you have slept with her

"Let the games begin!"

And we're off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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