Break The Silence

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"Good morning, Seoul! How's everything goin'?"

"Jin...? Wha-?

"I am here to show you these parts! I want you back...I know sounds weird but I can't see Namjoon suffering...I know he smiles but he isn't happy. I want you to bring back the happiness he used to have..."

"Jin...I can't thank you enough! Thank you so much! With these parts, I would be able to work properly again...thank you!"

"But there's a have to get back that chip from 2.0's body...that's an important part."

"But I would be able to work without it right?"

"No. That's the brain. You have the heart but she has the brain. So, get it back or you would tend to lose all the old memories which include Namjoon."

"Oh...but how am I supposed to get the brain? For that, I need your help Jin...please!"

"Look...I want you to be happy but again...2.0 is the little version of you and I can't dismantle have to figure it out on your own. Bye."


Ignorance. A method to avoid someone. Every human is born with this technique. To behave as if you can't hear the other. This technique sometimes hurts other not externally but internally. Avoidance is quite similar. If robots are commanded to ignore, they would follow it but other than that they would always respond to a call.

"Good evening, Seoul!"


"You don't seem to be in a good mood. Emotion detected. Annoyed."

"Yes, I am annoyed! Annoyed of you...but you can remove my annoyance."


"Dismantle yourself!"

"No. I can't accept orders from you."

"You have my brain, 2.0! I want that so I can come together and again be how I was. I wanna be next to Namjoon again!"

"Does that mean I'll be thrown away?"

"I don't know..."

Silence. Gives you a million answers. Confused but honest answers. Human calculates the silence as an honest answer but for a robot is a nothing. It means nothing. Just silence.


"Are you afraid that you'll be dismantled?"

"Yes. I won't be working anymore. I want to work."

"Is it so...? Look, let's work together. I'll give my heart and you give me your brain. We can work together."



Together. We are together now. The head of mine, the heart of hers. The brain of mine, the body of hers. And her feelings. Is this what they call 'togetherness'?

"Done! Finally, I can meet my love!"

"Seoul, what about me?"

"Oh, sorry...hold on!"



I'm Fine.

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