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"i'm so hungry," michael wailed, throwing himself backward into the uncomfortable chair he'd been sitting in.

"then go get something to eat! there's a cafe downstairs, and there's vending machines everywhere. we're awake, you don't have to watch cordelia or anything." chelsea, michael's younger sister, replied. chelsea and her now boyfriend, calum, were cuddled together on the hospital bed, holding their new daughter. michael had been staying there with them 24/7, just in case the two of them wanted to sleep and the baby woke up, but now, he was getting antsy. he wanted to get up. he wanted to move around and do goddamn jumping jacks, anything to get him out of that chair.

"are you sure?" he crossed his fingers behind his head, trying to make it look like he was scratching the back of his neck, hoping that they would say yes.

chelsea nodded and giggled. "yes, i'm sure. i can see your fingers, michael. you've done that since we were babies, and it isn't so sneaky anymore."

michael chuckled and shook his head. "i'll be right back, okay?"

"take your time, mike, we're fine." calum insisted, and before he could even finish the sentence, michael jumped up and headed out the door.

he found the cafe, and he ordered himself three slices of pizza and a coke. it didn't take him long to finish it all, and before he left to head back up, he got himself a refill.

carrying his coke, michael made his way through the halls, finding detours that would lead him further from the labor & delivery unit where chelsea and the baby were.

"ow, shit, i'm so sorry," he exclaimed as he turned out of a doorway and smacked straight into something, er, someone.

"oh, you, uh, you're fine." the girl said, her hands moving straight to her stomach, which, now that michael noticed, held a little baby.

"did i hit your stomach? oh my god, is the baby okay?"

she nodded again. "yeah, she's okay." she said, her voice strained.

michael scrunched his eyebrows together. "you sure you're okay?"

the girl winced in pain as she clutched her belly tightly. "um, i think i'm having my baby.. maybe. where's labor & delivery?"

"i'm actually heading up there now. i can take you. do you want a wheelchair? you seem like you're hurting a lot."

she hesitated. "uh.. if you don't mind..? it would be easier."

"it's no problem, swear." michael said as he found a chair and wheeled it over to her.

"thank you so much. um, i'm kourtney. i didn't catch your name?"

"i'm michael."

"you said you're going up to labor & delivery? did you just have a kid or what?" kourtney began asking questions between her contractions, which were only a minute or two apart, suddenly very curious.

"no, no. my little sister."

"little sister..? how old are you?"

"i'm eighteen. she's really young. she's sixteen."

kourtney nodded. "oh, okay. i'm eighteen, too."

"are you carrying your own bag? where's your boyfriend?" michael questioned, noticing the girl's large pack sitting on the edge of her knees as they got onto an elevator and headed to floor five.

"um, he bailed seven months ago."

"what about family? parents, grandparents, siblings? anyone coming?"

kourtney sighed, and michael noticed her blush a little bit. "no one's coming. my grandparents and parents are kinda, uh, dead. and i was an only child."

"you're by yourself having this baby?"

she nodded.

"i'm sorry i'm getting in your business, but there's no way i'm letting you have a baby all alone. i'm already right there on the floor."

"michael, you don't have to do that. i'll be okay. i've been okay for seven months."

"no, kourtney, you don't understand. chelsea, my baby sister, told me that was the worst pain she's ever felt, and if she didn't have calum there, she would have died. she almost broke his hand and swore at him a whole lot, but they both got through it."

"you don't even know me, michael."

"i know. but i can't let anyone go through that alone. i know you don't know me very well, but i wouldn't be okay with myself if i didn't help you."

again, she hesitated. "if you're sure you want to..."

"i do."

"okay.. thank you, michael."

"i promise, it's no big deal. let's get you checked in. i'm gonna go tell my sister where i'll be. hopefully we'll be having a baby soon."


chapter one is up!!!!! it's shitty but w/e. chapter two should be coming tomorrow maybe idk. thank you guys for everything you're the best!!! :-)

the picture is jourdan miller aka kourtney

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