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Rak, Shibisu, and Wangnan's incoherent yelling woke his deep slumber as they came stumbling upon the frame of his bed, shutting the intricately engraved door as abrupt as they could, as if their lives depended on it while catching their breaths.

"Uh, guys?"

An equally annoyed and terrified expression was plastered on their faces, which made Bam wonder what got them so worked up that they had to disturb his first day off in six months.

"What's wrong? Are we under attack or something?" he asked sleepily, adjusting his eyes to the scene in front of him.

"Oh we definitely are, and only you can save us Bam! He'll skin us alive!" Shibisu screamed his heart out. Wangnan, who was beside him trembled, and Bam swore he could hear him mumbling something about a hairspray, an accident, paperworks, and coffee.

"Who?" Bam asked with half-lidded eyes which seemed like it could flutter to a close any minute, still barely functional.

"The Blue Turtle!" Rak exclaimed to the far back, now frantically rummaging around the irregular's miraculously spacious room with his compressed figure.

Hearing this, Bam laughed to himself. If he didn't know any better, they seem to be implying that they fiddled with the Blue Turtle-Khun's things, and somehow managed to ruin it altogether. But knowing them, even they aren't stupid enough to cause all those things. Especially to someone as intimidating as Khun Aguero Agnis.

"Come here you little shits!"


Khun's infuriated voice echoed through the hallways, reaching Bam's own room that it brought his senses fully awake, Hypnos' cradle long forgotten, and a questioning look thrown towards the cowering trio.

"He seems extremely angry. What exactly did the three of you do?" he asked, his tone now stern.

All three of them lined up, frozen in kneeling positions, panic evident on their usually brazen faces as they tried to form comprehensive sentences in an attempt to explain the situation.

"Don't you dare try and drag Bam into this conversation, you twats!" the blue haired man's voice seemed louder, approaching them closer, and Bam couldn't help but pity their distressed expressions. "Come and face me like the men you think you are!"

"Bam, my child, my sweetheart, the love of my life, please help us!" Shibisu pleaded with tears forming in his eyes, clearly horrified of the demon that had come for their sins. "We'll explain everything that had happened later, I swear! I just don't want my life to end in the hands of someone who isn't even a beautiful woman!"

The brunet pinched his noseline in exasperation and sighed, then got himself out of the comforts of his mattress. "You better, or this will be the last time I'm covering for you."

"Yes!" Wangnan said, and the other two nodded frenetically. "Our savior, we owe you our lives!"

Bam diregarded their songs of praises and went past his doorway, coincidentally crossing paths with the fuming lightbearer that was headed his way. The brunet was quite appalled by sight that greeted him. Khun's usually glorious silver blue hair now had mismatched golden hues, and had dark circles under his eyes. Now he understood why the bluenet had finally snapped and lost his composure.

He had clearly not been sleeping right.

"Where are you assholes?!" Khun demanded, barely acknowledging the presence before him.

✔ as you fall asleep 「 khunbam 」Where stories live. Discover now