Hello there!
I know you've been through so much deprivation, in fun, in choosing, in emotions. But I am thankful that you have endured and survive it. You're not weak. You're strong enough to always be the obedient daughter no matter how you have been given less of compliments which became sweet nothings to you.
I'm so proud of you for not trying to inflict pain to yourself no matter how you have been. I know that you have been ignored, your ideas, your thoughts, and your pain.
You remain strong no matter how often those thoughts were inflicting you so much pain and anxiety.
No matter what, always remember that I am proud of you and what you wanted to be. You are not worthless, hindi ka "lang", no money can buy you. You were me, and You shall be a part of me.
I shall recover.
We can do it.
We will.
'Coz we can.
and so We shall.