Chapter five

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I wake up to my hair being gently played with. Opening my eyes I see Cesar with his outstretched arm. I begin rubbing the sleep from my eyes when he pulls them away from my face. He says "you can hurt your eyes by rubbing them that hard." I didn't think I was rubbing them that hard, but okay then. Pulling myself into a sitting position with my blanket still pulled up and over my legs.

C: Piccola zucca, go get a shower and get ready we are going shopping.
(Small pumpkin)

With a nod of my head and a quietly spoken "okay" I get up and my grab clothes. Well ones that they left me after they all went threw them. The clothes they left were mainly all the ones I would wear while riding my motorcycle. "Sh.." I look over and see Cesar with an eyebrow raised at the word I was going to let slip from my mouth.

C: What was that you were going to say giovane zucca?
(young pumpkin)

T: I- I- it was nothing.

C: Sure. I will let it slide this time since the word didn't actually come out of your mouth.

Taking that as my sign I ran into the bathroom. "No running in the house!" I heard as I closed the door. I start the shower and once again I turned it to as hot as I can stand and climbed in. Once finishing my shower and everything that comes with it. I pull on my clothes. Exiting the bathroom I expected Cesar to have left but instead, I saw the other four of my brothers also now sitting on my bed. Shaking my head in disbelief that they are all now in my room.

K: Are you ready sorellina?
(Little sister)

T: Sure, I just need to grab my phone and money.

A: You will not need any money. But go ahead and grab your phone.

T: If you are sure I don't need my money.

Since I don't need any money I grab my iPhone 6 and place it in my pocket. We make our way to the garage. I'm in awe when I see motorcycles just sitting there waiting to be driven. I walk over to them and run my hand along the bikes.

T: Holy Sh.. Moly you guys have a 2020 Suzuki Hayabusa 360 Fat Tire with black and blue tornado wheels? I would so love to give it a spin.

Ry: You know things about bikes?

T: Well I don't know everything about bikes. My best friend back home has a 2017 Suzuki and was looking to upgrade to a newer Suzuki. Oh, that reminds me I need to have my bike shipped over.

Ru: WAIT! You have a bike!? You will not be riding it ever again.

T: WHAT? You can't do that! My bike is my baby. I learned to drive a bike before I learned to drive a car. There is no way I am giving up my bike. No way, no how!

K: Hey, hey let's calm down here. No one will take away your bike. Don't get me wrong I don't like that you ride one, but I understand where you are coming from. My bike is my baby as well.

T: So I can keep it and still drive it?

K: Yes you may but you need to wear a helmet at all times. Am I clear?

T: Crystal. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I heard a bunch of sighs coming from my other brothers. They clearly don't like the idea, but if I had to I would go over their heads and go right to Papà. I walk over to the truck that we will be leaving in. I climb into the front seat and I get a bunch of stares from all five of my brothers. Giving them a look of confusion I ask "if they are coming or n..?" Cesar cuts in and says "in the back now!" I roll my eyes and climb over the front seat and into the back. The boys follow suit with Ruben pulling me into his lap. We sat next to the door and we are off to the store. To the mall presume. When it hits me. "I need to call Sam!" I thought to myself.

My five overprotective brothers (Slow And Random Updates)Where stories live. Discover now