One Macchiato, Please

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Macchiato woke up at 7am with a throbbing headache. He dragged himself with a huff, running his hand over his lower back, as though the pain was nestled there somewhere. It was weekend. He didn't have work. Yet, his mind had already declared that it was a new day. It was habit that woke him up, and while he was grateful that humans were creatures of habit, he just wanted to godforsaken sleep in!

The sunlight streamed in through his thin curtains, and it was a struggle to stay an asshole at that sight. It was serene, calming, and it made his body and mind long for a place unknown to him that gave him the same feeling. He removed his socks slowly, eyes still glued to the sunlight. Mesmerized.The phone rang, volume high, and broke him from his trance. He clicked on the green circle without reading. "Yeah?" He said, clearing his throat. 

"Hi!" Zara exclaimed. "Did I wake you up or?"

"Nah, I was already up and about." He leaned down to pick up the socks, his phone resting over his shoulder and pressed against his ear. "You at work?"

"Not much longer, though. Something came up and the boss is gonna kill me." She stammered on, nervousness laced in her tone.

"You've been slacking off, Zara." Macchiato drawled. "Death would be mercy."

"Spare me your philosophical side!" She said. "Please, I just need you to take this shift, I'll owe you. Whatever you want." 

"Yeah, yeah." He hasn't heard this the first time, and he was used to Zara slacking off. He was about to shut the call when he replied, "You're lucky I'm craving some good coffee."He wore his denim pants and jacket, a yellow t-shirt with a cartoonish banana he loved as a kid and left his room fast. 

His dormitory building wasn't really that far from the cafe, and he loved walking, so it was a win-win. He combed his hair with his hand and breathed the morning air.

City of Seer looked like the place of Oracles and Prophets in this hour, the fog hanged down like dream catchers, the light streaming through tiny spots, like it was playing hide and seek with the clouds. Of course this place was simply known as Seer, and the stories of Oracles and Prophets are long past, but Macchiato loved playing along and loved the fact he lived in a place where legends took place. He took his sweet time. Oh, Zara was going to be pissed!

The yellow doors of the cafe looked like a miniature of the sun as he held the golden handle and pushed them open. Inside, the cafe was buzzing like a room full of bees, sounds of plates moved around and spoons against tea cups, the murmur and laughter of gathered folks, and the smell. God, the smell was enough to make Macchiato fall in love. Fresh coffee beans brewed at the back of the cafe, a tree of mint where customers plucked their own leaf with a small fortune scrawled over them once it was under hot water, and the warm smell of Macaroons freshly baked. He had never fallen in love, but he hoped it was similar to this feeling. His chest tightened, and he weaved himself into the tapestry of crowds.

He spotted Zara behind the counter, she was already apron-off and you-deal-with-my-mess-on, she giggled and left.Macchiato wasn't feeling vengeful to his surprise. He put on his apron, his initials written in cursive with a pink thread M.O.

The screen over his head gleamed with orders, and his conscience was left behind, his hands began to move, mixing the drinks, pouring neon colors, and breaking ice into each customer's zodiac sign shape, and whip cream with sprinkled gold. This must be what they call a Flow State, he nodded to himself. He almost missed the glimmering yellow hair that passed by, but as though a finger nudged him to Look! Look!

His eyes met two silvery ones staring right back at him.She shifted her weight from one feet to another. Macchiato ignored the fact he paid attention to such detail.

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