M1U_1RUM4:Even though you don't know me I will protect you at all costs. Can I have a hug? If that's okay.
Monoma:Oh thank you, I appreciate it. And sure I don't mind a hug, even though I don't know why you'd care or want to hug someone like me..... *Hugs*
cute_art_wolf:Can I have a hug? If it's ok? Also remember "Your skin isn't paper don't cut it, your life isn't a game so don't end it." (To the author:are you going to continue the story? If so can I be a part of it?)
Monoma:Sure, I don't mind at all *Hugs* I don't know why you'd waste your time trying to save me though.... or trying to get me to stop from reaching the end of my life before I graduate....there's honestly no point I'm weak and not a fighter.....even if I made it this far I only did it for.....*Looks at Miko* him
Me:To answer your question yes I'll still continue the story, and I'll see if I can add you, I can make you transfer from General departments, just give me your OC information so I can have a visual of what your OC would look like and how your quirk would work.