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BREAKING NEWS: PYOJUN EO UNDER IMMINENT THREAT OF CIVIL WAR WITH CHOSUNGUL AFTER BEING ACCUSED OF WEAPONS THEFT. Earlier this evening the Chosungul Congress relayed a message via a public service advisory showing an enraged Chosungul Prime Minister demanding the return of 2 nuclear reactors found missing inside the confines of their military battlement that were also discovered heavily demolished. An investigation was put underway courtesy of Pyojun-Eo's Bueareu of Defense as a means to rectify this misfortune and refrain mutiny from ensuing against the neighboring region.

Also just in, South Korean Crime Syndicate Coup de Tat now classified a national threat after rumors ran amok speculating that these people are behind this daring heist. A separate black ops team was sent out in search of this gang, and anyone who had encountered sightings of this notorious mob are obligated to relay this information to the nearest federal agench. For more news and updates tune in to SBS Pyojun- Eo.

Seungchol reached for the universal remote splayed on the center table and switched the T.V off, opting for some peace and quiet after a long day at work.  But that only ended up as wishful thinking when you live with 12 other boys.

"YA!" Bellowed his best friend from beside him.

As he said, wishful thinking.

"Yes?" He drawled listlessly, raising his head up to meet Jeonghan's scathing glare

"The fuck was that for?!" He demanded shooting up from his chair to stare Seungchol down. But the aforementioned gentleman remained undeterred by the brazen outburst. Only blinking his long lashed eyes up at him in a bland almost bored fashion.

"That's it!" His best friend hissed in seething declaration right before he lunged for the remote that balanced over Seungchol's kneecaps.

Seungchol quickly snatched it out of way, sliding it under his rump, completely out of reach to Jeonghan who had no choice but to admit defeat and sink back down the cushions like a sulking toddler deprived of television privileges.

"Asswipe." Jeonghan muttered resentfully at Seungchol, who only smiled in kind.

"Come now, we both know that most of the things the media say are filtered stories and unreliable trash. There won't be a civil war. We made sure of that. The country won't burn up in flames... Not in my watch that is." He chided softly to Jeonghan but his best friend's grumpy behavior refused to be cowed and so he thought of doing a more light hearted approach.

"Is Jeonghannie still sad about his new haircut?" He mocked at him in a baby voice.

There was a low growl coming from the shaggy haired man. His lovely locks were currently a touchy subject to bring up in conversation. One must not dare to poke the seething shaved lion. Well, if one must, do so at your own risk.

"Shut up, its not bugging me as it used to. Beside, it was my hair saved from the barb wire or risk turning into cannibal canine chow." Jeonghan grumbled in ill- manner, the scowl on his face deepened at the memory of their border escape.

Sighing, he clapped a hand over Jeonghan's shoudler in comfort. "It'll grow back."

After a few minutes or so, the tough set on Jeonghan's shoulders sank down in deference and he glanced at Seungchol with pleading eyes that fitted quite well with his angelic features. "Can I at least find out how much our bounty's worth this time?"

Seungchol rolled his eyes but made no move of reaching for the remote, instead, he hollered for the computer wiz holed up at the far left corner of the warehouse sitting in front a vast collection of computer screens and computer equipment.

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