Nobody Compares.

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"Nope sorry ammie, you must pay."Yells my older brother Harry.

"But I Didn't do any thing wrong." I Plea.

"You So Did, you Ate my last pop tart."

"I DIDN'T, WTH. LOUIS HEEEEEEELP!" I Yell out to my older brothers best friend Louis.

he runs over and picks me up out of my brothers grip and runs up to my room and flops me on the bed.

"Hey sam, I'm sorry you got blamed. especially because it was me" Says Louis.

I angrily huff and mutter a thanks.

Louis is the annoying best friend of my brother Harry, Yes he is THE Harry Styles. and his friend is Louis, the other boys stay at our house often and since my older sister is 24 she pretty much is my mum.

I look up to see Louis lookingaround my room.

"May i help you nosy or would you mind getting OUT of my room?"

"Sorry sam i was just thinking how much you and Harry are alike."

"Great now GO." i yell and slam my door in his face.

I go on Facebook and see i have 3 new messages

All haters.

I go on twitter. I have 82 mentions.

All Haters.

i screen shot them and save them to my file labelled "Fuck the Haters."

I sigh and close my laptop.

I check the time, It's only 12:30 on a sunday,

I decide to go join the band for practice.

I start walking downstairs when i ear Nialls yelling


and Zayns Reply was....


i laugh to myself and accidentally miss the last step, i prepared to hit the ground but was caught by a set of warm strong arms.

"Be more careful next time doll. we wouldn't want you to break a nail." Says Louis sarcastically letting me go so I thud on the ground.

"Ghee Thanks Bro, Man I feel bad for Jordan."

he looks pained as i say that.

"Sorry for insulting your 'Girlfriend'" I say and go sit on Liams Lap.

Whaddup today guys?" I ask

"Well we were planning on going to the beach and meeting some friends, you wanna come??" asks Zayn.

"Sure Just et me go get ready" I say and fly off Liams knee, i was nearly fully up the stairs but i can still faintly hear Louis complaining

"Great invite the girl, we're gonna be here for another couple of hours."

wow, i just huff and flip him off even though he can't see me.

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