The glowing theatre

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I stumble upon a community concert of Lady Gaga. Just in time! because I need to see a concert for my music theory project.

My girl Tram is in town, so we take the public transportation to the theatre district. The ceiling is remarkably high and everything seems to glisten almost with gold as we step off the train. I have never been here before, and I confide in her too. After searching the crowd she spots the frantically waving Kevin.

Kevin. So loyal and responsible. Has already gotten our tickets and seats and snacks. I am bubbling with excitement as I enter the theatre.

And more amazing to my eyes when the theatre is dimly lit by little sparkles of glowing blue and purple lights. There seems to be no end to the ceiling. The theatre is HUGE. A good 700 or so joyous faces react slowly and so beautifully to their stimuli.

What I don't notice as I am looking up and around is that Kevin is laughing at me. He's holding my arms and looking at me like there arent 700 people in the room. It feels like there are only us two. It's as if he set up this magical sight for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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